Why I delate my node, but i still payment in next month

i had remove and delate nodes in 06/2021,and pay for it,but i still receive the bill,in 07/2021.why?
Payment #11802793 2021-07-01 05:45 -($6.42)
Invoice #18813913 2021-07-01 04:16 $6.42
Payment #11667999 2021-06-01 05:19 -($6.87)
Invoice #18608139 2021-06-01 04:17 $6.87
and when i created this account,i saw new account could receive $100,but i did not receive.

1 Reply

Linode servers are billed on the 1st of the month after they were used. If you used a Linode for 1 week in June and then deleted them, on the first of July you will receive the invoice for the time they were used in June, even if they were already deleted.

Promo codes not applying occasionally occurs when there is a problem with the way your browser interacts with our signup page, notably certain ad blockers. I went ahead and added a $100/60-day promo code to your account.


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