✓ Solved

Can't press rebuild Linode button

I am new to linux and to cloud infrastructure. I was trying to install some programs and etc. and used disk place very irrationally. Because of that I want to rebuild my system in order to have fresh system. I decided to rebuild my Linode but after I fill all the gaps rebuild Linode button is still grey and can"t be pressed. Any help would be appreciated!

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

@MehdiRasulov There aren't any fields that need to be filled out when using the Cloud Manager rebuild feature. You just click the link from the three dot menu bar. This following guide has pictures included with the instructions.

Feel free to open up a Support ticket for any account related questions. The Community Questions site is a great place to get help with out-of-scope issues.

Oh sorry, my problem was that at the end it was writing to write exact name of Linode(probably to confirm action). What I thought it meant is to write a new name for Linode in order for it to be new name of server. Thanks!


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