✓ Solved

Text Editor Spamming "6c"

I have been trying to get my first Linode up and running, but every time I try to use a text editor (nano, vi, vim) the text editor spams the string 6c. The keyboard is still responsive, but I cannot execute commands to edit the vi programs. I have tried this on Ubuntu, Arch, and Debian with the same issue. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Report back with the results of this:

echo $TERM

If TERM is undefined, you need to set it to something in your .bashrc/.zshrc.

If you're using Terminal.app on a Mac with ssh(1), use

export TERM=xterm-256color

If you use Windoze, you're on your own…but

export TERM=vt100

will probably solve your problem.

-- sw

@stevewi I had a feeling about this being the issue, but I set TERM to linux on both ends and it didn't fix it. I am using st as my terminal program and had to set TERM=st-256color. Thanks for the fast reply.


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