✓ Solved

The 'www' URL of site does not work, but non-www is fine?

re: Ubuntu 20.4 LTS

I can't figure out why adams-blake.com will resolve just fine but www.adams-blake.com does not resolve… I get the 'insecure' message.

I have done sudo certbot for adams-blake.com. Works fine… site resolves.

When I do certbot for the "www" version the non-www version breaks with the non-secure message! I can't figure that one out.

I go back and re-do certbot for the non-www url and it works, but the www still will not.

Why won't the "www" version work?

Should I have done certbot for both of then at the same time… put in 1 and 2:

Which names would you like to activate HTTPS for? 1: adams-blake.com 2: www.adams-blake.com . . Select the appropriate numbers separated by commas and/or spaces, or leave input blank to select all options shown (Enter 'c' to cancel): 1,2

All my other domains work fine with www and non-www.

I checked the virtual host record for adams-blake and it looks just fine.

At the registry I have a CNAME record of "www @".

I'm out of ideas.


2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

You didn't include the www subdomain when you requested the cert in certbot.

You need this: -d adams-blake.com -d www.adams-blake.com


That fixed the name mis-match issue.


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