Flask App not showing after replacing demo files

I have a locally working Flask app that I want to deploy.

I installed Flask from the Linode marketplace and after navigating to my IP it showed the template Flask Blog.

I then replaced those files with my own Flask app inside the home/flask_app_project/flask_app/ directory and it now doesn't work. Changes have been noticed as the blog is now broken, but my app does not work.

My only wondering is whether it is failing because I don't have a requirements.txt, which the demo blog does have?


1 Reply

I also tried a MVP Flask app that did not work either (But did work locally).

from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello_world(): return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"

This makes me think that somewhere in either the demo files there is a required line that I am missing in my files.


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