✓ Solved

How do I download my data from my linode backup?

I want to download all the data on my website, that is all my pdf files and photos, images and files and save it to my computer.

My website database is not accessible so I will build a new site and use all the data from the old one. I do not have this data on my computer.

4 Replies

✓ Best Answer

That's fine… I'm just saying that you don't have to copy stuff to your PC at home before copying to the new Linode. You can copy directly from the old Linode to the new one.

Put the IP addresses for each in each Linode's /etc/hosts file thus:

xx.xx.xx.xx  old_linode
yy.yy.yy.yy  new_linode

Set up ssh(1) on each and then you're in business.

If you're going to junk the old Linode, step up to a new plan temporarily to get more disc space if that's a concern. It'll cost you a few dollars but that's nothing if the cost of your frustration level is high. If you do this, you won't need to restore the backup.

-- sw

When you restore your backup and boot the restored Linode, you can transfer the files directly to your new Linode without using your home computer at all.

I hope that helps…

-- sw

My linode is built on an old version of ubuntu 12 with an old version of Drupal, V6. The site doesn't work, problems with the database (out of space).
I want to create new wordpress site and transfer the data from the old site on to a new linode.

Thanks for your help


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