ETA on Dallas account upgrades

Speaking of upgrades… Chris: any further ETA on the account upgrades in the Dallas DC?

6 Replies

Linode Staff

Yes, next week. Tom and I just shipped a truckload of servers (via FedEx, NOT my truck) to Dallas:



The resolution on these photos is pretty bad, for example the toes on the left hind leg of a fly in the first photo looks a just a wee bit blurry.


Is that the Linode corporate offices in the background? :)

Linode Staff

No, just the New Jersey regional office.


Neat pictures, there. That's a lot o' compute power!

And in this thread we got Cakers 2^11th post on the forums!

Nice pics :) My new host is on the back of that truck somewhere :D

Any photos of these new hosts in the flesh?


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