Lighty and SSL. Works good - separately..


I'm a bit out of my league here so I was wondering how I might go about this.. First, my goal: run 2 instances of lighttpd - one SSL and the other non-SSL.

I got instructions here: … ghttpd_SSL">

Only problem is that the instructions don't seem to work with Debian. Specifically:

> Step 2: Copy things

Now we need to setup a seperate config script, and init script for the ssl version.

[[root@computer]]$ cp /usr/sbin/lighttpd /usr/sbin/lighttpd-ssl

[[root@computer]]$ cp /etc/rc.d/lighttpd /etc/rc.d/lighttpd-ssl

[[root@computer]]$ cp /etc/conf.d/lighttpd /etc/conf.d/lighttpd-ssl

[[root@computer]]$ cp /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-ssl.conf

rc.d and conf.d don't exist on my Debian system. Only rc.local, rc0.d, rc1.d, etc.. Is there a way to copy & manage all the K20lighttpd's in each of these directories or am I going to have to manually copy & edit every single one of them?

5 Replies

On Debian, startup scripts go into /etc/init.d. You can use update-rc.d to set up the symbolic links from /etc/rcN.d, e.g.

update-rc.d lighttpd-ssl defaults

If you installed lighttpd using apt-get, there will already be one startup script installed. That script references a .conf file in /etc/lighttpd.


You don't need to run 2 instances of lighttpd for non-ssl/ssl. Setting up some checks on $SERVER["socket"] you can have one process do non-ssl and ssl.


I got instructions here: … ghttpd_SSL">

Only problem is that the instructions don't seem to work with Debian.
Well look for notes on distro's resource site first, then look at the software's project page. The latter has all the details needed in this case:

Debian's wiki is unfortunately one of the poorest, they only have a generic section on web servers:

Which points to a Debian LUG site in the UK with very minimal details:

Note that Ubuntu doesn't do much better either, it borrows from Gentoo's wiki:

Thanks guys.. I think I should be able to run 2 servers now.

The reason I have to run 2 separate servers is because I need to serve a secure subdomain on a non secure domain.

> $SERVER["socket"] == "" {

ssl.engine = "enable"

ssl.pemfile = "" = "/etc/CA.crt" = ""

server.document-root = "/www/servers/"


I am thick headed so I tried anyways. It didn't work because I host, AND .. is the only SSL one.

With both, socket & host declared, it just defaults to the's document root.


I need to serve a secure subdomain on a non secure domain.
Try this:

$HTTP["host"] == "" {
        url.redirect = ( "^/.*" => "" )
$HTTP["host"] == "" {
        server.document-root = "/srv/"
$HTTP["host"] == "" {
        url.redirect = ( "^/.*" => "" )
$SERVER["socket"] == "" {
        ssl.engine = "enable" = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certs.crt"
        ssl.pemfile = "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl.pem"

       $HTTP["host"] == "" {
               server.document-root = "/srv/"


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