Packet loss at Hurrican Electric. Seems widespread...

I lost connection to my server.

Seems there's widespread packet loss at Hurricane Electric over the last hop.

I've opened a support ticket, just letting everyone else know so we don't DDOS the ticketing system! :shock:

8 Replies

Seems like it's been resolved just now, whatever it is/was. There was some general packet loss to linodes in Fremont. Hopefully someone will update as to why.

Yeah, seems ok now.

Hmmmmm… Luyer == David ??

Yep it took awhile but got there, i noticed a similar shorter outage the other day as well (wasnt my connection 3 different connections at work all 3 showed no access to server + proxify didnt work to server…

Packet loss problems seem to have come back today :(

Anyone else seeing this?

-John Mark

Yes, almost no packets get through since ~10 minutes ago (I'm on host 56).

– jp

I can ssh to, but my linode's interfaces can't reach anything (and can't be reached either). Only the host's networking seems to be OK.

I can't ssh into my linode either, but the host is fine. weird. :( (host53)

Yeah, i think it was a DDOS or something since itself was quite slow too. it is fixed now though!


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