Need to make a Linux based Roaming desktop lab

Hello its my project. That is I need to make lab with a server and 3 client PC using samba.

I must have to able to make a roaming desktop for client. So that users can get their files from any pc.

User only login and they will find their desktop.

I am using Debian 4.0 in my server pc.

I already installed samba successfully and configured. No I need to know how can I connect the client pc which will verify password from the server when they login. {my client pc's are installed kubuntu 8.04}

Then I need to know how can I setup the roaming desktop.

2 Replies

The standard way to do this with *nix is to use NFS to export the user's home directory filesystem and mount them remotely on the workstation. Of course, this only works well if the server and workstations are all on one LAN to reduce latency.

There are lots of howtos and guides for setting this up available on the web.


The standard way to do this with *nix is to use NFS to export the user's home directory filesystem and mount them remotely on the workstation.

Samba supports this easily. To the OP: there are plenty of examples of this on the Samba site, in the main docs. (Samba by Example, or whatever it's called)


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