PPTP and Windows clients ....

I've been trying to setup a PPTP server to use with the Windows VPN client.

I've tested it with Linux clients, and it works fine. On Windows XP, it simply times out with "Error 619: connection to the remote computer could not be established". Firewall and anti-virus is disabled on both client and server.

Any idea about how to fix this :?: I've tried this on two different Windows XP clients, and they both give the same error. So it must be a configuration problem on the server side. Here is the server log:

Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: MGR: Launching /usr/sbin/pptpctrl to handle client
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: local address =
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: remote address =
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: pppd options file = /etc/ppp/pptpd-options
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Received PPTP Control Message (type: 1)
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Made a START CTRL CONN RPLY packet
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: I wrote 156 bytes to the client.
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Sent packet to client
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Received PPTP Control Message (type: 7)
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Set parameters to 100000000 maxbps, 64 window size
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Made a OUT CALL RPLY packet
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: pty_fd = 6
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: tty_fd = 7
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28290]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): program binary = /usr/sbin/pppd
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28290]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): local address =
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28290]: CTRL (PPPD Launcher): remote address =
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: I wrote 32 bytes to the client.
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Sent packet to client
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pppd[28290]: using channel 22
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0=""><auth chap="" ms-v2=""><magic 0xa1826544=""><pcomp><acc$ 31="" 1400="" mar="" 15:17:14="" server="" pptpd[28289]:="" ctrl:="" received="" pptp="" control="" message="" (type:="" 15)="" got="" a="" set="" link="" info="" packet="" with="" standard="" accms="" gre:="" accepting="" #0="" pppd[28290]:="" rcvd="" [lcp="" confreq="" id="0x0" <mru=""><magic 0x27d37d75=""><pcomp><accomp><callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:14 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:16 server pptpd[28289]: GRE: accepting packet #1
Mar 31 15:17:16 server pppd[28290]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1400=""><magic 0x27d37d75=""><pcomp><accomp><callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:16 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:17 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0=""><auth chap="" ms-v2=""><magic 0xa1826544=""><pcomp><acc$ 31="" 1400="" mar="" 15:17:19="" server="" pptpd[28289]:="" gre:="" accepting="" packet="" #2="" pppd[28290]:="" rcvd="" [lcp="" confreq="" id="0x2" <mru=""><magic 0x27d37d75=""><pcomp><accomp><callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:19 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2 <callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:20 server pppd[28290]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0=""><auth chap="" ms-v2=""><magic 0xa1826544=""><pcomp><acc$ 31="" mar="" 15:17:23="" server="" pppd[28290]:="" sent="" [lcp="" confreq="" id="0x1" <asyncmap="" 0x0=""><auth chap="" ms-v2=""><magic 0xa1826544=""><pcomp><acc$ 31="" 1400="" mar="" 15:17:23="" server="" pptpd[28289]:="" gre:="" accepting="" packet="" #3="" pppd[28290]:="" rcvd="" [lcp="" confreq="" id="0x3" <mru=""><magic 0x27d37d75=""><pcomp><accomp><callback cbcp="">]
Mar 31 15:17:44 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Reaping child PPP[28290]
Mar 31 15:17:44 server pptpd[28289]: CTRL: Exiting now
Mar 31 15:17:44 server pptpd[28282]: MGR: Reaped child 28289</callback></accomp></pcomp></magic></acc$></pcomp></magic></auth></acc$></pcomp></magic></auth></asyncmap></callback></callback></accomp></pcomp></magic></acc$></pcomp></magic></auth></asyncmap></callback></callback></accomp></pcomp></magic></mru></callback></callback></accomp></pcomp></magic></acc$></pcomp></magic></auth></asyncmap> 

Here is /etc/ppp/pptpd-options:

name pptpd




3 Replies

what type of you Linode System ?

I had build a PPTP VPN Server in Linode and work Find, Client is XP , accecss web and Paly WOW all no problem.

I'm using Debian 5.0, 32 bit.

Could you please postyour configuration? I must be missing something …


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