Courteous Resource Usage

I'm not sure what happened to the old Game Servers on Linode thread, but I can't seem to find it.

Last time I had tried installed SRCDS (Source Dedicated Server) on my Linode 360 was back when I was on UML and had to actually mount a /proc/cpuinfo in order to even be able to start the server. When the server was up, it was very "choppy" as far as lag spikes go and unplayable.

Installation with Xen Virtualization went off without a hitch, started with a 12 player server and it ran smooth. After running around one of the maps for a while I spawned a bot to see if that would affect it. Not at all. I filled the rest of the 12 slot server with no affect on the server. I decided to see how far I could go, so I changed the max players to 64 and loaded up 63 bots plus myself and played a map. Not one hiccup. I was very impressed.

Anyway, to my question… I don't plan to be running 64 bots on my server ever, but as far as resource usage goes, if I'm using too much will Linode let me know? For a Linode 360 what is considered a "courteous" amount of CPU usage, Disk IO, and Network Usage? The server has been idle with no players and no bots overnight and overall the server is only using 5% CPU Usage.

2 Replies


I'm not sure if there's a "limit," but they don't put limits on you as long as your not intentionally maxxing out cpu, etc.

You could check the alerts that linode will generate, and set them to your liking, if that helps any.

I don't think they care as long as you aren't using cpu just for the sake of using CPU. E.g. using your linode for SETI@Home.

If what you are doing on your site is running high cpu but serves a legitimate purpose other than donating cpu cycles to some organization I don't think they would say too much.

On the other side of the coin, I think the intent of the burstable CPU is for spike usage. to allow you to compile a program faster or encode an occasional video with ffmpeg. If what you are doing requires the resources of a dedicated server thats what you should get, or go with a bigger linode.

Of course you may want to open a ticket to just ask to avoid any surprises.


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