Server failed to Start after recent maintenance

I have one server/instance that is failing to boot after the recent maintenance. The Lish console is stuck at "Booting from Hard Drive" and I am unable to ssh in or even ping the server. I have contacted support but they are unable to help. It is as though during post the server isn't seeing the drives to boot them. I am running a custom deployment and have tried to do a boot recovery from the installation disk. The problem here is that it shows booting ISOLinux in LISH and freezes there. Any thoughts?

2 Replies

Normally when installing a custom distribution, you create a disk to hold the installer image. As a test, have you tried cloning the installer image to a new Linode and see if the image boots and can do a fresh install?

This would be helpful in differentiating if this is a 1) typical reboot problem where a configuration was changed at some random time in the past and the configuration changes are only taking effect at the reboot or 2) Something that due to a change in the way the host presents itself to the guest operating system on the Linode.

Which distribution and version are you attempting to run? This may help with being able to test this.


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