Hardware specs for Linode servers?

Do they have listed anywhere the specs for their servers?



HD Space

RAID config

My current host that I'm moving from does this:

http://www.pair.com/support/knowledge_b … tions.html">http://www.pair.com/support/knowledgebase/ournetworkandservers/server_configurations.html

Seeing the hardware failure in Dallas, I'm more interested to know what my account is running on.

8 Replies

Semi-recent hosts have dual Xeon L5420 CPUs (quad-core, 2.5 GHz) and two 1 TB hard drives in RAID 1.

Linode is starting to move to RAID 10 (e.g. dallas162), and very recent hosts may have had other changes. I dunno.

Older/old hosts may have Xeon L5335s (quad-core, 2 GHz) or even 5130s (dual-core, 2 GHz), and 500 or 750 GB hard drives. Hell, they might even have Pentium 4s with SDRAM. (OK, those aren't in service anymore. :P)

Edit: I meant to add, you can guess the RAM based on the plans.


Edit: I meant to add, you can guess the RAM based on the plans.
We have more RAM in the hosts than is allotted to Linodes, obviously – for the host itself, among other things.

Do you know if any "official" info has been relased regarding server hardware?

I'd like to know if my Linode's host, Newark 146, is a Raid10 host.


Do you know if any "official" info has been relased regarding server hardware?

I'd like to know if my Linode's host, Newark 146, is a Raid10 host.

newark146 is indeed RAID10. Feel free to open a support ticket if you have any other questions.


Well, no other questions.

Just think would be a good idea, expecially for courious users, putting on your website hardware specs/infrastructure photos (you already have some in your facebook page).



My current host that I'm moving from does this:

http://www.pair.com/support/knowledge_b … tions.html">http://www.pair.com/support/knowledgebase/ournetworkandservers/server_configurations.html

Yikes I've just checked their VPS prices - $80 for entry level VPS hosting… Do they also lay a gold CAT5 cable to your house for that? :D

Those are fully managed VPS's - they do all the maintenance of the system for you.


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