
Hi, i've just installed IPTABLES, but have noticed a lot packets getting dropped originated from another linode. They are trying to get access to port 67 bootps. Anyone know if this something to worry about?

5 Replies

What is the destination of those packets? Is it you explicitly or is it to the broadcast address?

I have sent you a PM with the line from the log analyser.

Why not post the output here rather than a PM so everyone has a better idea of what is going on…?

ok. sorry.

Here is an example of the Dropped packet details


2009-07-11 13:54:56 li101-103 eth0 UDP 68(bootpc)

The Destination IP is, This one orginates from, but im getting requests, from different hosts. Reason i posted is i was unsure if this was something I should be letting through. Its not causing any problems as far as i can see.

The point I was trying to make was that this is DHCP related traffic, which by nature of the protocol is sent to the broadcast address (since the client has no other way to contact the server, since if it did, why is it using DHCP in the first place?).


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