webmin has a libnet-ssleay-perl problem

The required packages step went wrong when i tried to install webmin. How can I solve this ?

> Preparing to replace webmin 1.510 (using webmin1.510all.deb) …

Unpacking replacement webmin …

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of webmin:

webmin depends on libnet-ssleay-perl; however:

Package libnet-ssleay-perl is not installed.

webmin depends on libauthen-pam-perl; however:

Package libauthen-pam-perl is not installed.

webmin depends on libio-pty-perl; however:

Package libio-pty-perl is not installed.

webmin depends on libmd5-perl; however:

Package libmd5-perl is not installed.

dpkg: error processing webmin (--install):

dependency problems - leaving unconfigured

Errors were encountered while processing:


3 Replies

do an:

apt-get -f install

and apt will pull in and install the missing requirements and complete installing webmin.

apt-get -f install just removed webmin.

I've tried apt-get update/upgrade to be sure I had everything. I've tried again installing webmin : still the same package problem.


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