number of CPU cores on a VPS nginx configuration


I am setting up a configuration file for nginx and there is the directive worker_processes. I understand that it is best to set it to the number of cpu cores. FOr instance for a dual-core to 2 and for a quad-core to 4.

(1) how do I know how may cores my linode is running on?

(2) does it make sense to apply the above rule of thumb on a linode?


4 Replies



I am setting up a configuration file for nginx and there is the directive worker_processes. I understand that it is best to set it to the number of cpu cores. FOr instance for a dual-core to 2 and for a quad-core to 4.

(1) how do I know how may cores my linode is running on?

(2) does it make sense to apply the above rule of thumb on a linode?

In short:

(1) grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l

(2) yes

I'm pretty sure all linodes have 4 xeon cores which I imagine comes from two dual core processors.

You should also check out the the workerconnections directive for nginx ( it allows you to calculate your maxclients, I have 4 nginx workers with 1024 connections in a reverse proxy situation which will allow 1024 clients at one time.

The host has 2 Quad core processors, each node has access to 4 virtual cores.


Oo even more than I thought, no wonder these things are so darn quick ;)


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