mod_security and Centos 5.5


Can anyone give me instructions on how to install mod_security on CentOS 5.5? Everything I've found seems to be out of date.

7 Replies

yum install mod_security

yum install mod_security

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Setting up Install Process

No package mod_security available.

Nothing to do

Darn they must have removed it from centos :(

Try checking the rpmforge and epel repositories here

I checked, but latest I could find for repos was 5.4… didn't want to break things when I am running 5.5.

Hrmm I imagine … urity.html"> will suffice even if it is for 5.4 (I can't see anything that says and I don't have a centos box to check).

I don't know how critical what you're running is, if you can afford a few minutes downtime just install it, if it doesn't work, remove it.

If it's some mission critical stuff you can create a linode512 and install it on there, it'll cost you less than a dollar for a day.

Thanks, I'll make a new one and try it. I wonder why there is no 5.5 repos, it has been available for some time. Also wonder why PHP is an older version in CentOS.

Centos in my experience doesn't get "new" packages it sticks with old..(sometimes very old) tried and tested. I just did a quick check of the centos repos and unless I'm mistaken centos5 has php5.1.6…that's scary, even debian's not that far behind.


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