Banned from IRC


Yesterday I popped into IRC to see what it was like. Had a nice chat with someone from Linode (ppaparis?). I have now bought a node and thought I would pop in to say Hi.

However, I appear to have been banned. Is there a way to gain more information about this?

10 Replies

Are you IRCing as root?

EDIT: Wait a second… you joined the channel for 5 minutes, didn't say anything, then your client disconnected:

07:20 -!- graq [] has joined #linode

<<< snip >>>

07:25 -!- graq [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]

Aha. OK.

I am finding the web front end slow. I thought it had timed out / failed to connect. I'll try again.

Yesterday I used It is on there that I get the banned message.

EDIT: Browser just sits there 'waiting'. Nothing on the screen, doesn't appear to have loaded. Unless I pick the same name from 2 locations. It spots that and keeps me out.

Perhaps I should try a 'full on' dedicated IRC client? Can you recommend anything?

Alternatively, use a local IRC client (you could even do what the cool kids do and use irssi and Screen on your Linode)


Alternatively, use a local IRC client (you could even do what the cool kids do and use irssi and Screen on your Linode)
I see where you are coming from, but as my initial reason for wanting/needing irc is to ask about setting up my node, and as I am obviously not terribly conversant with irc, that puts me in a catch-22 (where do I go to ask about installing them…?) :) :shock:

I'm on a WinXP desktop right now. Any recommended clients for that? :P

Previously I have always resorted to ChatZilla as it comes easily with FF across max/linux/windows, but it does not support OTFC.

Google top hit is:

I'll be trying that. Hopefully see you soon!

Yeah, I don't think I've ever run an IRC client on a windows box, but mIRC is certainly the most commonly used windows client.

mIRC is not free, but does have a 30 day trial period if anyone needs to use it.

However, installing irssi is much easier than I expected. One thing to note if anyone follows my clunky steps:
> Are you IRCing as root?
Make sure you change your core username settings, as they are set to 'root' if you pasted from the guide and just hit connect.. … ling_irssi">

Small steps, and all that.


Yeah, I don't think I've ever run an IRC client on a windows box, but mIRC is certainly the most commonly used windows client.

Or, you could get the ChatZilla extension for Firefox.


Previously I have always resorted to ChatZilla as it comes easily with FF across max/linux/windows, but it does not support OTFC.
What makes you say that? I'm not a big IRC user, but on the occasion I want to visit the Linode IRC channel, I use ChatZilla myself. So far just under OSX and/or Linux, but I can't imagine Windows would be that different.

– David



Previously I have always resorted to ChatZilla as it comes easily with FF across max/linux/windows, but it does not support OTFC.
What makes you say that? I'm not a big IRC user, but on the occasion I want to visit the Linode IRC channel, I use ChatZilla myself. So far just under OSX and/or Linux, but I can't imagine Windows would be that different.

– David

Chatzilla splash screen:

Available networks are [dalnet, efnet, freenode, hispano, ircnet, moznet, quakenet, serenia, slashnet, solidirc, undernet, webbnet].

I'm tired. Did I miss it?

Yeah your going to have to add oftc.. I suspect it wasnt in that list

server address:

the default ports should be fine :)


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