Web analytics suggestions?

I'm looking for recommendations for a good web analytic tool. I have previously used awstats with jawstats, but jawstats development has stopped, and so I'm looking for something more actively supported.

I'd prefer log-based analysis rather than using javascript or such, and I'm a sucker for clean graphs and a nice UI. I looked around, but can't seem to find anything that looks promising.

5 Replies

Does Google Analytics not give you the interface you like? I've loved using them on my sites (for free!) Even common CMS packages have modules to add to all your pages with ease.


Does Google Analytics not give you the interface you like? I've loved using them on my sites (for free!) Even common CMS packages have modules to add to all your pages with ease.


I like google analytics but also prefer



I like google analytics but also prefer


If you're looking for a non-GA solution, Piwik is pretty great! (~~[http://library.linode.com/web-applications/analytics/piwik/" target="_blank">](http://library.linode.com/web-applicati … ics/piwik/">http://library.linode.com/web-applications/analytics/piwik/]()

I use webalizer:




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