Accessible only via Lish

Hi all - I have stuffed up my upgrade to 11.10 Ubuntu on my node. This affects several websites and I stupidly did not create any backups of the SQL data before I rebooted.

Now the node is only accessible via Lish and I cannot start any networking services that would allow me to get the SQL data off the server as the networking components do not have the required components available and nothing is resolvable.

Is there any way I can get a file off the server before I rebuild it? Are the Linode staff able to help out?

1 Reply

Fantastic support!

Peter gave me a tip on how to bring up the networks manually and I am able to save my sites' data

ifconfig eth0 [node IP address] netmask up
route add default gw [node gateway]
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf


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