How to set DNS for IP:8080 ?

Hello the all!

I installed the tomcat in my server. However this pointing for ip:8080. I configure my DNS for my domain. But, when I access the my domain, will for ip and no for ip:8080

What do I do regarding this?

Thanks you a lot!

5 Replies


Hello the all!

I installed the tomcat in my server. However this pointing for ip:8080. I configure my DNS for my domain. But, when I access the my domain, will for ip and no for ip:8080

What do I do regarding this?

Thanks you a lot!

DNS lists IP addresses but not ports. Setup your server to use port 80 or tell your clients to use ':8080' at the end of the URL. Putting your web server on port 80 is the better option.

If you already have a web server running on port 80, you can configure it to operate as a reverse proxy and direct certain subdomains or pages to Tomcat. See its documentation.

No I can understand. Please, can me pass more info ?

DNS has nothing to do with ports - the main use of Domain Name Service (DNS) is to map domain names to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. When DNS receives "" it maps that to an IP address like, for example.

Browsers then use the IP address to request web pages. If the request is http, such as, the request is made using port 80 by default. If the request uses https, such as, the request is made using port 443 by default and should be encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

You can tell browsers not to use the default ports, for example - but there must be some software on the server listening for requests on that port or you will get no response.

One problem with using non-standard ports is that many firewalls, such as the outgoing firewall where I work, will block non-standard ports. For this reason you might be better off to use the standard port 80.


If you want Tomcat to run on 8080 but to be visible on 80 use Apache on 80 and use ProxyPass and ProxyPassRevserse to point to your Tomcat running on 8080.


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