[Solved] Ability to set time of charts

It would be nice if we could set what timezone to use for displaying the chart information. It can get confusing trying to translate the current time to the time that is output on the charts which are GMT.

3 Replies

In order of execution:

1) Head to "my profile", in the upper right corner

2) Choose the time zone of your liking

3) ???

4) Profit

May have to wait for the next graph update? Not sure.

funny… I could have sworn I already did that. Thought it was part of the node setup process, but I must not have saved it….

Did it again, and by the time I got to the charts it was using them.


funny… I could have sworn I already did that. Thought it was part of the node setup process, but I must not have saved it….

You probably did, for your VM. The manager's timezone is a separate setting from the timezone in your VM.


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