Linode in France?

Any chance of a new Linode data center in France?

Say, before 2013 end?

9 Replies

It's impossible to predict what Linode's plans are until they launch. We didn't foresee London; it's doubtful we'll foresee France.

Hint: I'm currently in charge of building server racks designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures, bone-chilling winds, and assaults by penguin armies.

Disclaimer: That task might have been assigned my my alter-ego, lakerl.


Hint: I'm currently in charge of building server racks designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures, bone-chilling winds, and assaults by penguin armies.

Disclaimer: That task might have been assigned my my alter-ego, lakerl.
You don't happen to work at Columbia Internet, do you? :wink:

With London and Paris only two or three milliseconds apart, there would seem to be no reason to ever have a datacenter in France…


It's impossible to predict what Linode's plans are until they launch. We didn't foresee London; it's doubtful we'll foresee France.

something something… underpants?


something something… underpants?

We didn't foresee London,

We didn't foresee France,

We didn't foresee Linode's underpants.




something something… underpants?

We didn't foresee London,

We didn't foresee France,

We didn't foresee Linode's underpants.


I wonder if they're green?

Le Linode en France a sous-vêtements de fantaisie

//sounds better if you can say it with a sexy french accent//


With London and Paris only two or three milliseconds apart, there would seem to be no reason to ever have a datacenter in France… IP filtering (based on country) for some services…


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