Site runs Cakephp/Yii/Wordpress

I had all three running on my site just fine, when two days ago Cake starts complaining about modrewrite not working, sometimes it works sometimes it dosen't. Then today, my site takes for ever resolving pages, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes the pictures don't load. So I open a ticket with Linode, do the MTR which shows no connectivity between me (at work) and my lindoe, except I can run Lish no problem. So I am totally stumped as to what might be the problem and why cake decided that modrewrite was not working, which it is, I also followed all of the steps listed by cake to ensure mod_rewrite works, and it does, sometimes…..

I should add that support suggest that sometype of filtering might be going on>>

2 Replies

You might be experiencing a surge in traffic. Check the server load and the number of Apache processes running. Make a backup of your original /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and then try bumping up the number of StartServers, MaxClients, and ThreadsPerChild up to a higher value in as a first course of action. You may need to bump up the RAM and swap space on the server.

Thanks, as for the mod-rewrite issue, when changing from the default css layout to my own, then cake 2.0 started issuing the message. Changed it back and it went away…..


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