Arch Linux sysvinit support soon to be dropped, Help?

I've been running my linode for a while now without problems… right now arch linux is finally dropping the support (it was already deprecated) for sysvinit and the rc files.

Though, in theory "moving" from sysvinit to systemd it's not painful in my experience it's not that really true. I ran into a some problems that made me finally reinstall the whole system instead of upgrading (on my local machine of course).

Since it's going to be dropped completely now I have to update to it. Anyone has doing it? (considering an Arch Template before the last update on July 2012). I would really like to listen to your experience, advices, ecc.

It's not a bad idea to install everything from the new template, but I'm not sure if it's possible. Any help would be welcome :)


PS.- I have around 6 gb free (and a little more I believe) since the last Linode upgrade that I'm not using it.

8 Replies

Not trying to start a flamewar or anything here, but their decision to leave SysVInit is when I decided I was no longer using Arch Linux. There's somethings I would like to have bleeding edge versions of, but I'm a fan of the KISS philosophy…

So I've been slowly moving my Arch stuff back to Debian. Still need to make time to move my Raspberry Pi back as well.


Edit: To avoid confusing this for a derail. My experience with upgrading wasn't terrible. I followed the Arch Linux wiki step by step and things, on one system, went according to plan. The other wasn't too happy afterwards and I didn't dig too deep in to researching.

Best advice I can give is to read the wiki carefully, make sure your system is backed up, and then give it a go.


Do you know if there's a way to install the new template and "start" from zero? If I can start the "new" one parallel even better, so I can make sure I moved everything, and I'll not going to lose time installing, loading and installing packages.



Do you know if there's a way to install the new template and "start" from zero? If I can start the "new" one parallel even better, so I can make sure I moved everything, and I'll not going to lose time installing, loading and installing packages.

Create a second Linode with the latest template, copy over your files and databases etc, once you're done and happy it all works use the IP swap feature to swap your IP address so you don't have to change DNS records.




Do you know if there's a way to install the new template and "start" from zero? If I can start the "new" one parallel even better, so I can make sure I moved everything, and I'll not going to lose time installing, loading and installing packages.

Create a second Linode with the latest template, copy over your files and databases etc, once you're done and happy it all works use the IP swap feature to swap your IP address so you don't have to change DNS records.

Great! Does it means I have to pay for a second linode?

Yes, in order to do that you will need to pay for a second Linode. The alternative (which will cost you some down time) is to shrink your existing disk, deploy a new distro, and copy everything over.

Thanks, I have some space left and I can shrink some too, so maybe it's possible. I'll see though, paying another linode for one month it's not that terrible considering the benefits.

Thanks for your help :)

Note that charges are prorated by the day, so if you only use the second Linode for a day or two you can get back a credit for the rest of the month.


Note that charges are prorated by the day, so if you only use the second Linode for a day or two you can get back a credit for the rest of the month.

Wow, thanks for the tip… I guess I'll do that then. I'll read about the ip swap though.


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