cPanel support server hacked, advising immediate action … te-action/">


6 Replies

cPanel has already notified their customers that they were a victim of this exploit. What is the purpose of bringing it up here, with no detail, and a link to a mountain of noise?


cPanel has already notified their customers that they were a victim of this exploit. What is the purpose of bringing it up here, with no detail, and a link to a mountain of noise?

That's a good qustion. I'm also curious about that.



What is the purpose of bringing it up here
To make fun of anyone dumb enough to use CPanel? - I thought that was obvious.

> To make fun of anyone dumb enough to use CPanel? - I thought that was obvious.

If that is the reason, it has a paradoxical effect.


If that is the reason, it has a paradoxical effect.

I'm still curious to know the reason why I posted that. Please pass that information on to me if I ever answer your question.


Try this link:

~~[" target="_blank">]( … 2293.shtml">](

Cpanel - First it makes it easy for people who don't know what they are doing to configure Linux machines, then it gives their front door keys away.

I heard they are going to change their slogan from:

Web Hosting Management, Simplified


Web Hosting Management, Stupefied


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