Windows VPS company like Linode..?

Hi All,

Just was curious if any of you would recommend a company for windows vps that was as Good as Linode..?




4 Replies

I don't have any experience with their Windows hosting services personally, but I had a Debian 6 512 in their Miami datacenter for a while and it was pretty great. Very few issues.

Personally I've had nothing but bad luck with VPS6. Performance was not that great, SSH connections would drop, and they kept rebooting/crashing my VM without me ever finding out. Their hypervisor would crash and I would not get an email from their support. They told me the problem was a "stuck rsyslog process" churning CPU even though I could clearly see from my own logs that both my VMs on one hypervisor rebooted at the exact same time. There was no syslog issue. They made it up.

They also took weeks to refund me after I opened several tickets. The whole thing was a joke, and I have $60 of credit I don't even want to use because of how badly they fucked me.


Hi All,

Just was curious if any of you would recommend a company for windows vps that was as Good as Linode..?




I can recommend not using windows. But if you want to spend more to get less security, less performance, less stability, and a thrown together OS with tons of weird quirks then you might try Rackspace or Amazon.

Storm on Demand is pretty good. They are a division of LiquidWeb, who is definitely one of the leaders in the industry.

I'd give them a try.


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