Tips for automating cloning?

When I clone a linode, I have to boot into recovery mode and change the remote/public IPs, gateway, hostname etc. Does any one have any clever tricks for automating this somehow?


2 Replies

The primary public IP address on eth0 could keep receiving the IPv4 address via eth0. However, if you are using multiple addresses this isn't ideal.

I don't think the Linode API displays a Linode's IPv6 address in the linode.ip.list just yet. Once that feature is added, you could do an API call for the new Linode to get its IPv6 address then SSH over IPv6 and make the changes automatically.

Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA for when that'll be in place.


Isn't most of this done by DHCP automatically, if you're not using multiple IPs? Or did the IPv6 migration change that?


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