nginx: redirect root to subdirectory while maintaining url

I have an nginx setup with folder structure like this:

- www
|- splash
|- blog

www is the root folder.

I would like to redirect users who access to the splash folder.

But I don't want the URL in the address bar to change to

The URL in the address bar should still be

This rule should only apply when user accesses the root folder.

Meanwhile accessing the blog folder will be as usual via:

How do I achieve this? So far my conf is as follow: (they don't work btw)

location / {
    root /www;
    index index.html;

location = / {
    root /www/splash;
    index index.html;


1 Reply

keep you second config and remove the first.

for blog do a location /blog … with a root change

look up the meaning of = with location and see if this is really what you want.

also look what alias means in nginx configs.


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