Reverse DNS lookup return my linode name and not my domain..


as title.

If I do a reverse DNS lookup on my linode's IP I got

This is quite boring to me,

is it possible to change the result of a reverse DNS lookup?

I use the default Linode's DNS manager.


17 Replies

Reverse DNS is configured in the Remote Access tab of the Linode Manager. Just click the blue Reverse DNS link, enter a the domain you want to set RDNS to (it must already point to your Linode IP), click Look Up, then click Yes when asked if you want to use that name as your RDNS name.


Reverse DNS is configured in the Remote Access tab of the Linode Manager. Just click the blue Reverse DNS link, enter a the domain you want to set RDNS to (it must already point to your Linode IP), click Look Up, then click Yes when asked if you want to use that name as your RDNS name.

I have just done what you told me, thanks for the answer but…

If I do a reverse DNS on my linode's IP, I still see

instead of the domain I entererd.

Do you think that it will take some time for DNS propagation?

Absolutely. All dns changes take time to propagate

You can use the dig command to get live data from the linode nameservers to check if its updated or not. Bearing in mind dns updates from the manager themselves take 15 mins.

dig linode ip

ok, I will wait and I will keep you posted on any updates.

why I started this thread?

because I hate to see

on my email headers

instead of the domain I use to send email.

two hours passed, no dns change on my side, still waiting for the propagation :)



Reverse DNS is configured in the Remote Access tab of the Linode Manager. Just click the blue Reverse DNS link, enter a the domain you want to set RDNS to (it must already point to your Linode IP), click Look Up, then click Yes when asked if you want to use that name as your RDNS name.

Excellent tip. I just did this for, and thank you.

Incidentally, IMHO your forum avatar would look much better with a ridiculously long handlebar mustache.


Wait and see if something will change.

Your domain actually points to

My DNS doesn't changed since many hours ago, I will wait tomorrow but this is strange.

Allow about 24 hours for the DNS change to become visible. That's the TTL for reverse DNS from Linode.





Check that it's setup correctly by using Linode's name servers, then there should be no propagation delays. If it checks out ok, then you just have to wait for it to spread. If it's not correct on Linode's name server, then they is no need to wait, you need to fix it.

after 20 hours my dns is successfully propagated.


> Check that it's setup correctly by using Linode's name servers,
> DNS change without propagation delays?  :shock: 
> In my case it took 20 hours for the complete propagation.



> > Check that it's setup correctly by using Linode's name servers,
> > 
> > DNS change without propagation delays?  :shock: 
> > In my case it took 20 hours for the complete propagation.
> > 
> > He means that by directly querying the Linode nameservers you won't see the delay (except the 15-30 minutes it takes to delegate over all 5 Linode nameservers). So you can verify the records that way. Still, worldwide it will indeed take longer for everything to delegate.



Reverse DNS is configured in the Remote Access tab of the Linode Manager. Just click the blue Reverse DNS link, enter a the domain you want to set RDNS to (it must already point to your Linode IP), click Look Up, then click Yes when asked if you want to use that name as your RDNS name.

Excellent tip. I just did this for, and thank you.

Incidentally, IMHO your forum avatar would look much better with a ridiculously long handlebar mustache.


Oh, you say that about every avatar.



Incidentally, IMHO your forum avatar would look much better with a ridiculously long handlebar mustache.

Oh, you say that about every avatar.

I agree. Done!


Oh, you say that about every avatar.

I agree. Done!

this guys is crazy :mrgreen:


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