Paid Help for installation of Centova Cast on fresh CentOS

I need to install Centova Cast on a fresh CentOS 6.2 ( … stallation">

Any help would be highly appreciated (and rewarded)

I'm a screenwriter trying to setup a webradio to stream while I write.

Hopefully somebody will help me out

thanks from Isla Negra, Chile (far, far away)


6 Replies

What happens when you try to install it? Any specific error messages?

Thank you for your reply.

To be honest, I am a total newbie. The worst part is that I do not have the luxury of time to learn linux.

I make a living as a writer, and I just want to make this one time installation and play music on the radio.

I will galdly pay for your help.

Thanks again for your reply


Might want to CAREFULLY consider any help from someone that registers on this forum just to send you a PM.

Just saying….

Since you're a self professed Linux novice, you want to be able to trust that Centova Cast and ONLY Centova Cast is installed on your system.


I just want to make this one time installation and play music on the radio.

Having a Linode isn't a one time installation thing. You need to keep it maintained to keep it secure. If you don't have the time and you're only running Centova Cast then I suggest looking at a cheap managed host there's plenty of them out there that will do the basics for you.


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