DNS zone questions

I'm experimenting with NSD3 and Bind9, and two things I'm wandering about as a DNS newb.

I have three domains. One of them has two subdomains for my nameserver, for this post I'll call them ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com. All three of my domains (including domain.com) are pointing to those two domains.

4. In the zone files for the two other domains, do I need to specify NS records? If so, should they be directly copied from the zone file for domain.com?

  1. For DNSSEC, do I need to generate keys for each of the three zone files, or just the zone file for domain.com since it alread defines the nameservers?

Currently I'm using Bind9.

Thanks in advance for the help.

1 Reply


I'm experimenting with NSD3 and Bind9, and two things I'm wandering about as a DNS newb.

I have three domains. One of them has two subdomains for my nameserver, for this post I'll call them ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com. All three of my domains (including domain.com) are pointing to those two domains.

4. In the zone files for the two other domains, do I need to specify NS records? If so, should they be directly copied from the zone file for domain.com?

  1. For DNSSEC, do I need to generate keys for each of the three zone files, or just the zone file for domain.com since it alread defines the nameservers?

Currently I'm using Bind9.

Thanks in advance for the help.

If you have all 3 domains set up as master zones in both ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com, then all 3 zone files should contain NS records pointing at those two nameservers in their zone files. And I'm not sure if you've checked this yet or not, but you'll also need to make sure that all 3 domains are pointed to those two same nameservers at the domain registrar as well.

Also, I'm no expert on DNSSEC, but I would assume from what I do know about it, you would need to generate a seperate key for all 3 domains. Might want to wait for a 2nd opinion on that half of your question, as I'm not overly familiar with DNSSEC.


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