Need urgent help

The other administrator of my website is on holiday. He assured me if anything went wrong with the server to file a support ticket or just click reboot. I have no knowledge with servers at all so assumed everything would be fine.

Today we got the following error

An error occured with the SQL server:

This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.

I filed a ticket as the rebooting didn't work. They told me they couldn't figure out what was wrong as they don't know how our server is configured. They also can't go in and see what is actually wrong.

I tried accessing via SSH which I know nothing about to see but I don't even know how to access the logs, nevermind how to fix it. It's not a memory issue as I managed to check that.

Is there anyone that can help?

9 Replies

Is there anyone who actually know what they're doing who can assist you? I'm assuming if you're on standby that some customers are involved and that you're losing money at this point. As much as I'd hate to receive that call, is it possible to reach the website admin?


Is there anyone who actually know what they're doing who can assist you? I'm assuming if you're on standby that some customers are involved and that you're losing money at this point. As much as I'd hate to receive that call, is it possible to reach the website admin?

Thanks for responding.

He is on holiday, I do not have his phone number to call him.

And yes, by this point it's getting frustrating.

I was wondering maybe there was someone on here I could pass on the details to if they were able to help?

I don't want to infer that users of this forum aren't to be trusted, but it's not usually a wise decision to pass your system's credentials around to people you don't know or trust.

That being said, there are a few members here who do act as freelance sysadmins and often have their information in the signature of their posts. That being said, the advice above still applies.


It sounds like MySQL either isn't running or has a corrupted table or similar. Invision typically just uses a basic MySQL install which is probably from your server's package manager. Try checking to see if the process is running. Do you have access to phpMyAdmin or some other management interface for the database?

Can't Linode managed help? They will charge for it but they should be able to fix the problem pretty fast.

Dont I need to pay the $80 for that? We're not on managed

If you wanted to use Linode Managed, yes, you would need to upgrade your account.


Dont I need to pay the $80 for that? We're not on managed

Yes. You said it was urgent.

Oh. It's back.

Now I can finally find out why Bale is worth 100 million.


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