Change to hostname

I have Virtualmin/Webmin installed to manage my servers. I have set the reverse DNS in Linode Dashboard for each of my Linodes to point to the hostname of my servers.

BUT if I go to the non-SSL of my server Webmin URL, I get:-

****Error - Bad Request

This web server is running in SSL mode. Try the URL instead.****

Does anyone know how to get this to show the hostname of the server instead of the linode domain? I assume there must be some setting in Webmin somewhere, or some config file, but cant find it!


5 Replies

Try setting 'Web server hostname' to 'work out from browser' in ports and addresses.

I have fixed it! It was already set to work out from browser. So whatever that setting means, it resulted in the Linode domain being shown. Do you know where this comes from though, why would it know that?

But I can choose my hostname for this setting, so I changed it to the actual hostname and now it works OK, it does not show Linode's hostname when not on SSL.

But I would still be in interested to know why Webmin would offer the linode domain, must be in Webmin somewhere?


Stab in the dark here, but any chance you installed Webmin before you changed the rDNS records? Maybe Webmin stored your hostname before you did so.

Webmin -> Networking -> Network Configuration

What does it say under "hostname"?

> But I would still be in interested to know why Webmin would offer the linode domain, must be in Webmin somewhere?

The Linode domain was probably created when you used the LAMP stack script to create your Linode and is still in the enabled site list. Webmin may have read it there (especially if it was the only enabled site).

The hostname of the servers in Linode are all set to my hostnames, not the linode one. This is why I am confused.

In terms of using a LAMP stack script to create the system… when I created my first Linode I likely chose an OS to install, CentOS. But all my other Linodes are empty Linodes, then I restore the system from the backup on another Linode. This is so I dont have to install anything again. All I do then is change hostname to the new server and the IP addresses in eth0. I think its easier and quicker than creating a new server and configuring it how I want it (I am not to speed on creating my own stacks and using Puppet et al yet!). Anyway, the thing is, when this new Linode is restored, the Linode domain I am referring to is specific to this Linode, it is not copied from the restored one. This is why I thought it was some connection between the reverse IP of the correct hostname, back to the Linode domain. Its as if its not actually Webmin doing it, as Webmin is copied from another system.

If its a webmin issue I could post there, so no worries.


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