How do I add and change information with MySQL workbench?

I started using it to replace PHPmyAdmin, but it's not as simple. I had a .htaccess whitelist protecting it, if that fixes the problem of hackers gaining access. I didn't trust it completely, since I don't know if there's a way that hackers can fake their IP address.

All the existing documentation seems to be for an old version.

12 Replies

Assuming you're on version 6. When you hover over a connection a little i icon should appear on the bottom right, click that and it brings up buttons to edit the connection. Is that what you're after?

Once I'm in I'm not sure how I add information to the database or change it.

MySQL Workbench has a decent GUI for adding/changing info in the database, once you log in to your MySQL instance you most probably won't have any problems figuring out what to do. Just make sure that your MySQL instance binds to the external IP address of your Linode and that MySQL is configured to allow external connections.


Just make sure that your MySQL instance binds to the external IP address of your Linode and that MySQL is configured to allow external connections.

Bad idea from a security stand point. Connect over ssh instead.


Bad idea from a security stand point. Connect over ssh instead.

You're right. I completely forgot about SSH thing, but if I remember correctly, old versions of Workbench didn't have that capability.

Possibly, but I know it's had it in the last two major versions.



Bad idea from a security stand point. Connect over ssh instead.

You're right. I completely forgot about SSH thing, but if I remember correctly, old versions of Workbench didn't have that capability.

Even with an old version, one can port-forward with an ssh client.

I've been using SSH and connecting to MySQL on localhost. For security, MySQL isn't accessible over the internet with the firewall.

How do I make the edits with GUI? I don't see any way of editing the contents of tables or adding content other than writing queries.

Did you read thru the Getting Started Tutorials (you need to read all three). … orial.html">

Of if you're one of those anti-reading type people, here's a youtube tutorial

Personally, I find HeidiSQL more intuitive (used to like/use SQLYog until they really really really started to hide the free community version - you can still find it - just google: sqlyog community edition)

Thanks. It looks like that's for some sort of older version. I tried looking up documentation before, but I had this same problem.

Oops - sorry about that, I haven't used workbench in a while, so my bookmarks are outdated.

Here's the doc's for 6.x community edition.

Once again, I'd recommend trying the free version of either HeidiSQL or SQLYog, both use (to me anyway) a much more intuitive interface. Not being a DB admin,I never got the gist of the whole EER Modeling that workbench seems to be centered around, I just wanted a simple GUI to create/search/edit databases and tables (without using the security sieve that phpmyadmin is). After a while, trying the various GUI tools, I just bit the bullet and learned how to do it via CLI.

Thanks. MySQL doesn't seem that hard to learn and the CLI seems fine, but databases seem like the sort of thing where it's better to use GUI for visualization. It seems like trying to use Microsoft Excel in the command line.

It might be an issue for the other sysadmins though.

MySQL workbench seems useful for making backups easily directly on my own computer.


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