Sluggish performance

Been with linode a few months and have been happy but the traffic on my website has increased substantially over the last month, and the performance is starting to feel sluggish.

My site relies heavily on mysql queries. I am on the lowest linode plan (1 GB).

I have seen a few reports on here of a slow down in performance on linode in general over the past couple of months. I am trying to figure out if my sluggish performance is as a result of the increased traffic, or if I am experiencing what other users are.

Here is my 30-day CPU graph:

and here is my 30 day I/O graph:

Should I upgrade my plan from the 1GB to the 2GB plan? That is my first thought, but I wanted to run it by some people. Does mysql rely more on CPU, disk I/O, or RAM?

I am in the Atlanta datacenter. Any help is appreciated!

5 Replies

You're barely using I/O nor CPU really. If you're using almost all of your RAM, upgrade the node. If not, assign more RAM to the bottleneck (MySQL?)


You're barely using I/O nor CPU really. If you're using almost all of your RAM, upgrade the node. If not, assign more RAM to the bottleneck (MySQL?)


Thanks for reply. It didn't seem like I was using that much. I'm talking with linode support too. They had me pull some performance info:

I don't really know what I am looking at here, but wondering if I can get a 2nd set of eyes on it from someone one here.

Sure doesn't look like you have a resource issue with the host. I'm betting mysql tuning issue. What does your my.cnf look like? You might try something like


Thanks for the advise, using mysqltuner to improve performance. But I think in the end it was an issue with my internet connection

I had a similar issue too recently with significantly higher response times than previous affecting a MySQL dependent site. Migrating to a different server within the same datacenter fixed the issue, so I am inclined to believe my issue was with a poorly behaving VPS neighbor. My CPU & memory charts were even lower than yours, but I speculate that it's possible that things look better than they really are because of how the utilization is averaged. I.e., if you run at 1% for 99% of the time, but you need 100% about 1% of the time, your graph may show 1-2% utilization on average. However, during those times of need for the 100%, you're constrained by a resource-consuming neighbor, then you'll be more limited than you used to be.


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