extra bandwidth vs purchasing another linode

Any reason extra bandwidth is so much more expensive than purchasing an entirely new vps?

I'm looking at providers for a new personal project of mine and as a long time linode user I immediately looked to Linode vs other providers. While the project would remain fairly small CPU and memory footprint wise, it would consume heavy amounts of bandwidth. (RTMP streaming)

It seems more cost effective to buy multiple linodes and waste resources rather than simply adding bandwidth allotment. Am I missing something? :)



5 Replies

Its a little weird for sure.

But try pricing 3TB outbund transfer to the Internet on for example AWS or GCE. That $20 instance you're not using for anything but its transfer allotment suddenly seems much cheaper now.


Its a little weird for sure.

But try pricing 3TB outbund transfer to the Internet on for example AWS or GCE. That $20 instance you're not using for anything but its transfer allotment suddenly seems much cheaper now.

Oh I am fully aware of that. And likely what I'll wind up doing. Just the geek in me feels bad stealing linode slots when I don't need the compute power or ram. :)


Oh I am fully aware of that. And likely what I'll wind up doing. Just the geek in me feels bad stealing linode slots when I don't need the compute power or ram. :)
Free DR server :-)


Oh I am fully aware of that. And likely what I'll wind up doing. Just the geek in me feels bad stealing linode slots when I don't need the compute power or ram. :)
Then don't waste it. Use the extra Linode for your backups and to test any site changes before pushing them to the live site. Never hurts to have a backup server ready to go.

The extra bandwidth is priced against older Linode pricing, and hasn't been updated yet. It used to cost the same as an extra linode, and presumably they'll adjust the pricing accordingly at some point.


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