Postfix + PHPMailer, works on CentOS 6.5, not on 7.


I'm switching my current config from CentOS 6.5 to CentOS 7.

On my current configuration I have postfix, dovecot and I use PHPMailer to send mail from some PHP script.

All this, works awesome on CentOS 6.5.

Installing the same things on CentOS 7 works partially.

I can send email from phpmail, I can send mail using client like thunderbird, I can use roundcubemail without problem but on CentOS 7

PHPMailer does not send emails.

When PHPMailer try to send email my maillog say:
> Jul 13 19:15:07 nets postfix/smtpd[1364]: connect from MYDOMAIN[MYIP]

Jul 13 19:15:07 nets postfix/smtpd[1364]: SSL_accept error from MYDOMAIN[MYIP]: 0

Jul 13 19:15:07 nets postfix/smtpd[1364]: warning: TLS library problem: 1364:error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3READBYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca:s3_pkt.c:1257:SSL alert number 48:

Jul 13 19:15:07 nets postfix/smtpd[1364]: lost connection after CONNECT from MYDOMAIN[MYIP]

Jul 13 19:15:07 nets postfix/smtpd[1364]: disconnect from MYDOMAIN[MYIP]

Any idea on how to solve this problem?


4 Replies

I think that the problem is related to the fact that my certificates are not signed by an authority but they are self signed.

Is there a way to avoid this problem without submitting my certificate to an authority?

OpenSSL installed on CentOS 6.5 is 1.0.1e, same verision on CentOS 7.

Same configuration installed. The problem still in the different postfix/dovecot imho.


Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Stick with CentOS 6.5

Why are you moving your PRODUCTION system to a brand new untested OS release?

6.5 is supported thru 2020, you have 6 more years before you HAVE TO upgrade - so why rush it.

Always amazes me that some shiny new release comes out and people just willy nilly jump on the new bandwagon and then are oh so amazed when things don't work right.

We have 7 running on a few test systems (both physical and virtual) and it will be AT LEAST early 2015 before we even think about moving our production clusters to the new OS.



Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Stick with CentOS 6.5

Why are you moving your PRODUCTION system to a brand new untested OS release?

6.5 is supported thru 2020, you have 6 more years before you HAVE TO upgrade - so why rush it.

Always amazes me that some shiny new release comes out and people just willy nilly jump on the new bandwagon and then are oh so amazed when things don't work right.

We have 7 running on a few test systems (both physical and virtual) and it will be AT LEAST early 2015 before we even think about moving our production clusters to the new OS.

the answer to your question is that I have money to spend on linodes,

I have all the time I want to configure my CentOS 7, when all is ready, I swap the IP.

it is incredible, you are here since 2009 and you never helped someone or asked something,

the only contribute you give to this forum is to argue about questions.


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