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BlogLinodeHost-Zusammenfassung und durchschnittliche CPU-Statistiken

Host-Zusammenfassung und durchschnittliche CPU-Statistik

Ich habe ein neues [b]"Host-Zusammenfassung"[/b] Widget zur Übersichtsseite des Mitglieds hinzugefügt. Es zeigt bequem an, auf welchem Host Sie sich befinden, zusammen mit Ihrer durchschnittlichen CPU-Auslastung auf diesem Host.

Dies wird berechnet, indem die Anzahl der "CPU-Sekunden", die Ihr(e) Linode-Thread(s) verbrauchen, aufgezeichnet und mit der Gesamtzahl der Sekunden vom Anfang des Monats bis zum Ende des aktuellen Tages verglichen wird. Am genauesten ist es am Ende eines jeden Tages.

Da die meisten unserer Server Dual-Prozessor-Systeme sind, gibt es auch wirklich die doppelte (Anzahl der Sekunden im Monat) Arbeit zu erledigen, so dass eine geringe Chance besteht, dass Sie Werte über 100% sehen. Aber, wenn Sie irgendwo über 75% sind, sollten Sie vielleicht nach durchgebrannten Prozessen suchen und dadurch vermeiden, dass ich Sie zur Strecke bringe 🙂 .


Kommentare (5)

  1. Author Photo

    [quote:9ace29757b=”caker”]I added a new [b]”Host Summary”[/b] widget to the Member’s Overview page. It conveniently displays which host you’re on, along with your average CPU usage on that host.

    This is calculated by recording the number of “CPU seconds” your Linode thread(s) consume, and comparing that against the total number of seconds from the beginning of the month to the end of the current day. It’s most accurate close to the end of each day.

    Also, since most of our servers are dual processor systems there’s really twice the (number of seconds in the month) work to be done, so there is a slight chance you might see values over 100%. But, if you’re anywhere over 75% you might want to look for run-away processes and thereby avoid having me hunt you down 🙂


    OK, well, for what it’s worth, my Linode has used 3% of host5’s CPU resources this month.

    Does this mean that I’ve used 3% of the CPU cycles available on one of the two processors on this Linode host system?

    If so, then if all 32 Linodes on host5 used the same amount of CPU, then the host would in generally only be able half utilized (32 x 3% = 96% of one processor). If the percentage represents the CPU cycles available on both processors, then in fact the host would be pretty close to maximum capacity hosting 32 Linodes with a similar resource usage as mine.

    I think it must be the former, as host5 has seemed pretty reasonably loaded this month …

  2. Author Photo

    It is the percentage based on one processor, only.

    Even though each Linode has a “kernel” process, and a “user-space” process on the host, only one process out of the two runs at once (they switch back and forth), so it’s psuedo single threaded.

    It is a fact that on our dual processor hosts your actual minimum Mhz is going to be [i]at least twice what’s advertised[/i]. On all our machines (including the two single processor systems), the number of Linodes we can place on one machine is limited by RAM before CPU.


  3. Author Photo

    I updated the widget’s text to make it more clear.

  4. Author Photo

    [quote:a1824e70bf=”caker”]I added a new [b]”Host Summary”[/b] widget to the Member’s Overview page. It conveniently displays which host you’re on, along with your average CPU usage on that host.[/quote]

    Next we could make it show the usage of the other linodes, then every month we could vote a linode off of the server.. it’ll be like survivor.

    Seriously though, I like this a lot. It lets me know that I’m not causing problems for the other linodes. Much better then getting a nasty-o-gram from Chris.


  5. Author Photo

    Next we could make it show the usage of the other linodes, then every month we could vote a linode off of the server.. it’ll be like survivor.

    🙂 That is funny — my first laugh of the morning. Actually I think it it will be a good feature.

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