Building a CD Pipeline Using LKE (Part 13): CI/CD with GitLab

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Slide deck: Cloud Native Continuous Deployment with GitLab, Helm, and Linode Kubernetes Engine: CI/CD with GitLab (Slide #187)

CI/CD with GitLab

To complete this series, we’ll now build a continuous deployment pipeline using a self-hosted GitLab instance (running within our Kubernetes cluster). GitLab is a git platform and, once its set up, we’ll be able to push code changes to both a staging environment and a production environment.

Presentation Text

Here’s a copy of the text contained within this section of the presentation. A link to the source file can be found within each slide of the presentation. Some formatting may have been changed.

CI/CD with GitLab

  • In this section, we will see how to set up a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab (using a “self-hosted” GitLab; i.e. running on our Kubernetes cluster)
  • The big picture:
    • each time we push code to GitLab, it will be deployed in a staging environment
    • each time we push the production tag, it will be deployed in production


  • We’ll use GitLab here as an example, but there are many other options (e.g. some combination of Argo, Harbor, Tekton …)
  • There are also hosted options (e.g. GitHub Actions and many others)
  • We’ll use a specific pipeline and workflow, but it’s purely arbitrary (treat it as a source of inspiration, not a model to be copied!)

Workflow overview

  • Push code to GitLab’s git server
  • GitLab notices the .gitlab-ci.yml file, which defines our pipeline
  • Our pipeline can have multiple stages executed sequentially (e.g. lint, build, test, deploy …)
  • Each stage can have multiple jobs executed in parallel (e.g. build images in parallel)
  • Each job will be executed in an independent runner pod

Pipeline overview

  • Our repository holds source code, Dockerfiles, and a Helm chart
  • Lint stage will check the Helm chart validity
  • Build stage will build container images (and push them to GitLab’s integrated registry)
  • Deploy stage will deploy the Helm chart, using these images
  • Pushes to production will deploy to “the” production namespace
  • Pushes to other tags/branches will deploy to a namespace created on the fly
  • We will discuss shortcomings and alternatives and the end of this chapter!

Lots of requirements

  • We need a lot of components to pull this off:
    • a domain name
    • a storage class
    • a TLS-capable ingress controller
    • the cert-manager operator
    • GitLab itself
    • the GitLab pipeline
  • Wow, why?!?

I find your lack of TLS disturbing

  • We need a container registry (obviously!)
  • Docker (and other container engines) require TLS on the registry (with valid certificates)
  • A few options:
    • use a “real” TLS certificate (e.g. obtained with Let’s Encrypt)
    • use a self-signed TLS certificate
    • communicate with the registry over localhost (TLS isn’t required then)

Why not self-signed certs?

  • When using self-signed certs, we need to either:
    • add the cert (or CA) to trusted certs
    • disable cert validation
  • This needs to be done on every client connecting to the registry:
    • CI/CD pipeline (building and pushing images)
    • container engine (deploying the images)
    • other tools (e.g. container security scanner)
  • It’s doable, but it’s a lot of hacks (especially when adding more tools!)

Why not localhost?

  • TLS is usually not required when the registry is on localhost
  • We could expose the registry e.g. on a NodePort
  • … And then tweak the CI/CD pipeline to use that instead
  • This is great when obtaining valid certs is difficult:
    • air-gapped or internal environments (that can’t use Let’s Encrypt)
    • no domain name available
  • Downside: the registry isn’t easily or safely available from outside (the NodePort essentially defeats TLS)

Can we use

  • We will use Let’s Encrypt
  • Let’s Encrypt has a quota of certificates per domain (in 2020, that was 50 certificates per week per domain)
  • So if we all use, we will probably run into that limit
  • But you can try and see if it works!

Install GitLab itself

  • We will deploy GitLab with its official Helm chart
  • It will still require a bunch of parameters and customization
  • Brace!

Installing the GitLab chart

helm repo add gitlab
helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
    --create-namespace --namespace gitlab \
    --set global.hosts.domain=$DOMAIN \
    --set certmanager.install=false \
    --set nginx-ingress.enabled=false \
    --set global.ingress.class=traefik \
    --set global.ingress.provider=traefik \
    --set global.ingress.configureCertmanager=false \
    --set global.ingress.annotations."cert-manager\.io/cluster-issuer"=$ISSUER \
    --set gitlab.webservice.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-gitlab-tls \
    --set registry.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-registry-tls \
    --set minio.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-minio-tls

😰 Can we talk about all these parameters?

Breaking down all these parameters

  • certmanager.install=false: do not install cert-manager, we already have it
  • nginx-ingress.enabled=false: do not install the NGINX ingress controller, we already have Traefik
  • global.ingress.class=traefik, global.ingress.provider=traefik: these merely enable creation of Ingress resources
  • global.ingress.configureCertmanager=false: do not create a cert-manager Issuer or ClusterIssuer, we have ours

More parameters

  • global.ingress.annotations."cert-manager\.io/cluster-issuer"=$ISSUER: this annotation tells cert-manager to automatically issue certs
  • gitlab.webservice.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-gitlab-tls, registry.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-registry-tls, minio.ingress.tls.secretName=gitlab-minio-tls: these annotations enable TLS in the Ingress controller

Wait for GitLab to come up

  • Let’s watch what’s happening in the GitLab namespace:

    watch kubectl get all --namespace gitlab
  • We want to wait for all the Pods to be “Running” or “Completed”

  • This will take a few minutes (10-15 minutes for me)

  • Don’t worry if you see Pods crashing and restarting (it happens when they are waiting on a dependency which isn’t up yet)

Things that could go wrong

  • Symptom: Pods remain “Pending” or “ContainerCreating” for a while

  • Investigate these pods (with kubectl describe pod ...)

  • Also look at events:

    kubectl get events \
    --field-selector=type=Warning --sort-by=metadata.creationTimestamp
  • Make sure your cluster is big enough (I use 3 g6-standard-4 nodes)

Log into GitLab

  • First, let’s check that we can connect to GitLab (with TLS): https://gitlab.$DOMAIN

  • It’s asking us for a login and password!

  • The login is root, and the password is stored in a Secret:

    kubectl get secrets --namespace=gitlab gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 -d

Configure GitLab

  • For simplicity, we’re going to use that “root” user (but later, you can create multiple users, teams, etc.)
  • First, let’s add our SSH key (top-right user menu → settings, then SSH keys on the left)
  • Then, create a project (using the + menu next to the search bar on top)
  • Let’s call it kubecoin (you can change it, but you’ll have to adjust Git paths later on)

Try to push our repository

  • This is the repository that we’re going to use:
  • Let’s clone that repository locally first: git clone
  • Add our GitLab instance as a remote: git remote add gitlab git@gitlab.$DOMAIN:root/kubecoin.git
  • Try to push: git push -u gitlab

Connection refused?

  • Normally, we get the following error: port 22: Connection refused
  • Why? 🤔
  • What does gitlab.$DOMAIN point to?
  • Our Ingress Controller! (i.e. Traefik) 💡
  • Our Ingress Controller has nothing to do with port 22
  • So how do we solve this?

Routing port 22

  • Whatever is on gitlab.$DOMAIN needs to have the following “routing”:
    • port 80 → GitLab web service
    • port 443 → GitLab web service, with TLS
    • port 22 → GitLab shell service
  • Currently, Traefik is managing gitlab.$DOMAIN
  • We are going to tell Traefik to:
    • accept connections on port 22
    • send them to GitLab

TCP routing

  • The technique that we are going to use is specific to Traefik
  • Other Ingress Controllers may or may not have similar features
  • When they have similar features, they will be enabled very differently

Telling Traefik to open port 22

  • Let’s reconfigure Traefik:

    helm upgrade --install traefik traefik/traefik \
      --create-namespace --namespace traefik \
      --set "ports.websecure.tls.enabled=true" \
      --set "providers.kubernetesIngress.publishedService.enabled=true" \
      --set "ports.ssh.port=2222" \
      --set "ports.ssh.exposedPort=22" \
      --set "ports.ssh.expose=true" \
      --set "ports.ssh.protocol=TCP"
  • This creates a new “port” on Traefik, called “ssh”, listening on port 22

  • Internally, Traefik listens on port 2222 (for permission reasons)

  • Note: Traefik docs also call these ports “entrypoints” (these entrypoints are totally unrelated to the ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfiles)

Knocking on port 22

  • What happens if we try to connect to that port 22 right now?

    curl gitlab.$DOMAIN:22
  • We hit GitLab’s web service!

  • We need to tell Traefik what to do with connections to that port 22

  • For that, we will create a “TCP route”

Traefik TCP route

The following custom resource tells Traefik to route the ssh port that we created earlier, to the gitlab-gitlab-shell service belonging to GitLab.

kind: IngressRouteTCP
name: gitlab-shell
namespace: gitlab
- ssh
- match: HostSNI(`*`)
    - name: gitlab-gitlab-shell
    port: 22

The HostSNI wildcard is the magic option to define a “default route”.

Creating the TCP route

Since our manifest has backticks, we must pay attention to quoting:

kubectl apply -f- << "EOF"
kind: IngressRouteTCP
name: gitlab-shell
namespace: gitlab
- ssh
- match: HostSNI(`*`)
    - name: gitlab-gitlab-shell
    port: 22

Knocking on port 22, again

  • Let’s see what happens if we try port 22 now: curl gitlab.$DOMAIN:22
  • This should tell us something like Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed (because we’re no longer talking to an HTTP server, but to SSH!)
  • Try with SSH: ssh git@gitlab.$DOMAIN
  • After accepting the key fingerprint, we should see Welcome to GitLab, @root!

Pushing again

  • Now we can try to push our repository again: git push -u gitlab
  • Reload the project page in GitLab
  • We should see our repository!


  • Click on the CI/CD tab on the left (the one with the shuttle / space rocket icon)
  • Our pipeline was detected…
  • But it failed 😕
  • Let’s click on one of the failed jobs
  • This is a permission issue!

Fixing permissions

  • GitLab needs to do a few of things in our cluster:
    • create Pods to build our container images with BuildKit
    • create Namespaces to deploy staging and production versions of our app
    • create and update resources in these Namespaces
  • For the time being, we’re going to grant broad permissions (and we will revisit and discuss what to do later)

Granting permissions

  • Let’s give cluster-admin permissions to the GitLab ServiceAccount:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding gitlab \--clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=gitlab:default
  • Then retry the CI/CD pipeline

  • The build steps will now succeed; but the deploy steps will fail

  • We need to set the REGISTRY_USER and REGISTRY_PASSWORD variables

  • Let’s explain what this is about!

GitLab container registry access

  • A registry access token is created for the duration of the CI/CD pipeline(it is exposed through the $CI_JOB_TOKEN environment variable)
  • This token gives access only to a specific repository in the registry
  • It is valid only during the execution of the CI/CD pipeline
  • We can (and we do!) use it to push images to the registry
  • We cannot use it to pull images when running in staging or production (because Kubernetes might need to pull images after the token expires)
  • We need to create a separate read-only registry access token

Creating the registry access token

  • Let’s go to “Settings” (the cog wheel on the left) / “Access Tokens”
  • Create a token with read_registry permission
  • Save the token name and the token value
  • Then go to “Settings” / “CI/CD”
  • In the “Variables” section, add two variables:
    • REGISTRY_USER → token name
    • REGISTRY_PASSWORD → token value
  • Make sure that they are not protected! (otherwise, they won’t be available in non-default tags and branches)

Trying again

  • Go back to the CI/CD pipeline view, and hit “Retry”
  • The deploy stage should now work correctly! 🎉

Our CI/CD pipeline

  • Let’s have a look at the .gitlab-ci.yml file
  • We have multiple stages:
    • lint (currently doesn’t do much, it’s mostly as an example)
    • build (currently uses BuildKit)
    • deploy
  • “Deploy” behaves differently in staging and production
  • Let’s investigate that!

Staging vs production

  • In our pipeline, “production” means “a tag or branch named production” (see the except: and only: sections)
  • Everything else is “staging”
  • In “staging”:
    • we build and push images
    • we create a staging Namespace and deploy a copy of the app there
  • In “production”:
    • we do not build anything
    • we deploy (or update) a copy of the app in the production Namespace

Namespace naming

  • GitLab will create Namespaces named gl-<user>-<project>-<hash>

  • At the end of the deployment, the web UI will be available at:

  • The “production” Namespace will be <user>-<project>

  • And it will be available on its own domain as well:



  • git tag -f production && git push -f --tags
  • Our CI/CD pipeline will deploy on the production URL: http://<user>-<project>-gitlab.<domain>
  • It will do it only if that same git commit was pushed to staging first (because the “production” pipeline skips the build phase)

Let’s talk about build

  • There are many ways to build container images on Kubernetes
  • And they all suck Many of them have inconveniencing issues
  • Let’s do a quick review!

Docker-based approaches

  • Bind-mount the Docker socket
    • very easy, but requires Docker Engine
    • build resource usage “evades” Kubernetes scheduler
    • insecure
  • Docker-in-Docker in a pod
    • requires privileged pod
    • insecure
    • approaches like rootless or sysbox might help in the future
  • External build host
    • more secure
    • requires resources outside of the Kubernetes cluster

Non-privileged builders

  • Kaniko
    • each build runs in its own containers or pod
    • no caching by default
    • registry-based caching is possible
  • BuildKit / docker buildx
    • can leverage Docker Engine or long-running Kubernetes worker pod
    • supports distributed, multi-arch build farms
    • basic caching out of the box
    • can also leverage registry-based caching

Other approaches

  • Ditch the Dockerfile!
  • bazel
  • jib
  • ko
  • etc.


  • Our CI/CD workflow is just one of the many possibilities
  • It would be nice to add some actual unit or e2e tests
  • Map the production namespace to a “real” domain name
  • Automatically remove older staging environments (see e.g. kube-janitor)
  • Deploy production to a separate cluster
  • Better segregate permissions (don’t give cluster-admin to the GitLab pipeline)

Why not use GitLab’s Kubernetes integration?

  • “All-in-one” approach (deploys its own Ingress, cert-manager, Prometheus, and much more)
  • I wanted to show you something flexible and customizable instead
  • But feel free to explore it now that we have shown the basics!

That’s all, folks! Thank you

This page was originally published on

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