How to Configure HAProxy HTTP Load Balancing and Health Checks

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HAProxy is an intermediary gateway application that manages traffic between frontend clients and backend server resources. HAProxy can be configured to load balance traffic between a set of backend servers, and it can be configured to route HTTP requests according to the URL path of the request.

This guide is the second part in a series on HAProxy. The first guide, Getting Started with HAProxy TCP Load Balancing and Health Checks, provided steps to build a minimally configured network of Nanodes:

  • An HAProxy node was set up as a TCP load balancer
  • Three Linode Marketplace WordPress servers served as the backends
  • TCP health checks were configured on the HAProxy node

This second guide presents another configuration for this server cluster that demonstrates how to use path-based routing and HTTP health checks.

Before You Begin

Follow the Before You Begin and Install HAProxy sections of the Getting Started with HAProxy TCP Load Balancing and Health Checks guide.

This guide is written for a non-root user. Commands that require elevated privileges are prefixed with sudo. If you’re not familiar with the sudo command, see the Users and Groups guide.

HTTP Path-based Routing

By using the acl and use_backend directives, HAProxy can direct URL requests to specific backend servers based on the incoming HTTP request string.

The acl Directive

An ACL (Access Control List) directive can be used to match a specific URL path. The syntax for an ACL is:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf

An ACL fetch method is used to retrieve information from the HTTP request. The path fetch method gets the URL for the request. For example, this directive is named match_foo and evaluates to true if the URL path for the request is /foo:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf
acl match_foo path /foo

There are variants of the path method that provide similar functionality. For example, path_beg checks that the beginning of the path matches the URL string provided. As well, there are fetch methods for other request information, like the source IP of the address or any URL parameters that were present.

When you define an ACL, you specify a unique name for it. That name is later referenced in your configuration (demonstrated in the next use_backend Directive section) to direct requests to specific backends.

The use_backend Directive

A use_backend HAProxy directive routes requests to specific backend servers. This directive references a previously-declared acl directive by the unique name associated with it. If that ACL evaluated to true for the request, then the request is routed to that specific backend. The syntax for this is:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf
use_backend BACKEND_NAME if ACL_NAME

Path-based Routing Example

To demonstrate how path-based routing works in practice, follow these steps for the HAProxy and WordPress cluster:

  1. Edit the HAProxy configuration to include this frontend section:

    File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
    frontend http
      bind *:80
      mode http
      acl sample-page path_beg /index.php/sample-page/
      acl author-archive path_beg /index.php/author/admin/
      use_backend backend1 if sample-page
      use_backend backend2 if author-archive
      default_backend mybackend

    Here’s an explanation for each line:

    • frontend http: Defines a frontend named http that handles incoming HTTP connections.
    • bind *:80: Binds the frontend to all available IP addresses on port 80, listening for incoming traffic.
    • mode http: Sets the mode to HTTP, allowing traffic to be processed at the application layer.
    • acl sample-page path_beg /index.php/sample-page/: Defines an ACL named sample-page to match requests starting with /index.php/sample-page/.
    • acl author-archive path_beg /index.php/author/admin/: Defines an ACL named author-archive to match requests starting with /index.php/author/admin/.
    • use_backend backend1 if sample-page: Routes requests to backend1 if the sample-page ACL is matched.
    • use_backend backend2 if author-archive: Routes requests to backend2 if the author-archive ACL is matched.
    • default_backend mybackend: Routes all other requests to the default backend, mybackend, if no ACL matches.
  2. The HAProxy configuration must also include two additional backend sections. These direct incoming frontend requests to the correct backend server. Update the configuration file to include these sections. Replace the placeholder IP addresses with the addresses from the WordPress servers:

    File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
    backend mybackend
      mode http
      balance roundrobin
      server backend1 backend1_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80
      server backend2 backend2_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80
      server backend3 backend3_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80
    backend backend1
      mode http
      server backend1 backend1_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80
    backend backend2
      mode http
      server backend2 backend2_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80

    Here’s an explanation of each line:

    • backend mybackend: Defines a backend pool called mybackend that handles client requests directed to it.
      • mode http: Sets the backend mode to HTTP, processing traffic at the application layer.
      • balance roundrobin: Distributes incoming requests evenly across the servers in the mybackend pool.
      • server backend1/backend2/backend3: Lists three servers (backend1, backend2, backend3) in the mybackend pool, each assigned their respective VLAN IP addresses and listening on port 80.
    • backend backend1: Defines an individual backend for backend1, allowing specific configuration.
      • server backend1: Adds backend1 with its VLAN IP address and port 80 to this backend.
    • backend backend2: Defines an individual backend for backend2, similar to the setup for backend1.
      • server backend2: Adds backend2 with its VLAN IP address and port 80.

HTTP Health Checks

In Getting Started with HAProxy TCP Load Balancing and Health Checks, the HAProxy gateway was configured to test TCP and Layer 4 connectivity, marking servers as down when errors accumulate over time. HTTP health checks work similarly, but use standard HTTP response codes to mark servers as “down” based on their performance over a specified interval.

Like TCP health checks, HTTP health checks continue to test a server marked as “down” to see if it begins to respond. If it starts responding correctly, the server is added back to the pool of active servers.

You can also configure HTTP health checks to look for specific values rather than standard HTTP response codes. This can be done using REGEX (regular expressions) or simple text matches within the first 16 KB of the backend server’s response. For example, a string could match phrases like “Alive” or “Logged In” within a session.

Basic HTTP Health Checks

Like with TCP health checks, adding the check directive to the server lines within the backend section of your HAProxy configuration file monitors the health of backend servers. However, this is only a TCP health check. In order to activate an HTTP health check, you also need to add the option httpchk to the backend section.

To demonstrate this with the example HAProxy and WordPress cluster, add these new directives to the backend mybackend section of your HAProxy configuration:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
backend mybackend
    option httpchk
    server backend1 backend1_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
    server backend2 backend2_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
    server backend3 backend3_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
  • check: Appending this keyword to each server entry activates the health check on that server.
  • option httpchk: Adding this option allows HAProxy to perform HTTP health checks. By default, standard responses from the server in the 200-399 range indicate that the server is healthy. Meanwhile, responses in the 500 range mark the server as down and remove it from the active pool until it recovers.

By default, the option httpchk directive sends a GET request to the / endpoint to determine server health. However, this can be customized for a specific endpoint, such as /health:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
backend mybackend
    option httpchk GET /health

String-based HTTP Health Checks

With the http-check expect string directive, HTTP health checks can also query and match specific strings in the backend server’s responses. However, only the first 64 KB of the response is examined. If headers are lengthy or include large elements like inline graphics, the desired string may not be within this limit, and it is then missed by the health check.

To demonstrate this with the example HAProxy and WordPress cluster, add this new directive to the backend mybackend section of your HAProxy configuration:

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
backend mybackend
  option httpchk
  http-check expect string OK
  server backend1 backend1_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
  server backend2 backend2_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
  server backend3 backend3_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
  • http-check: This directive checks a server response three times before marking the server as “down”. The code above configures HAProxy to check that a response was returned the string OK. You can adjust this string to match any other server response that indicates a healthy state.

The HAProxy Stats Page

HTTP health checks offer a more approachable way to monitor the health of your servers than TCP health checks. While HTTP health checks can still be viewed from log files, they can also be viewed from HAProxy’s web-based graphical stats page.

Enable the stats page by adding a listen section to the HAProxy configuration file::

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
listen stats
  bind *:8404
  mode http
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats
  stats refresh 10s
  stats auth admin:password  # Set a username and password for access
  • listen creates a new listen section named stats.
  • bind tells HAProxy to listen on all available network interfaces (8) on port 8404.
  • mode is set to HTTP.
  • stats enable enables the stats function.
  • stat uri/stats defines the URL where the stats page can be accessed (http://HAProxy_IP_ADDRESS:8404/stats)
  • stats refresh 10s sets the auto-refresh interval at 10 seconds.
  • stats auth admin:password configures basic credentials for the stats page. Replace admin and password with the username and password of your choice.

Test HTTP Load Balancing with Health Checks

Follow these steps to test the concepts from the previous sections:

  1. After including all of the directives described in the previous sections, your HAProxy configuration should now resemble the following. Verify that your configuration matches this:

    File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
    listen stats
      bind *:8404
      mode http
      stats enable
      stats uri /stats
      stats refresh 10s
      stats auth admin:password  # Set a username and password for access
    frontend http
      bind *:80
      mode http
      acl sample-page path_beg /index.php/sample-page/
      acl author-archive path_beg /index.php/author/admin/
      use_backend backend1 if sample-page
      use_backend backend2 if author-archive
      default_backend mybackend
    backend mybackend
      mode http
      balance roundrobin
      option httpchk
      server backend1 backend1_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
      server backend2 backend2_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
      server backend3 backend3_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
    backend backend1
      mode http
      option httpchk
      server backend1 backend1_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
    backend backend2
      mode http
      option httpchk
      server backend2 backend2_VLAN_IP_ADDRESS:80 check
  2. Reload HAProxy for the changes to take effect:

    sudo systemctl reload haproxy

    If you encounter any errors after reloading HAProxy, run the following command to check for syntax errors in your haproxy.cfg file:

    sudo haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

    An error message is returned if the configuration file has logical or syntax errors. When the check is complete, each error is listed one per line. This command only verifies the syntax and basic logic of the configuration, it does not guarantee that the configuration works as intended when running.

  3. Open a web browser and access the HAProxy server’s IP address:

    If your browser warns of no HTTPS/TLS certificate, ignore the warning or use the advanced settings to reach the site.

    This page is served by the mybackend pool that consists of all three WordPress instances:

  4. Open the default WordPress Sample Page:


    This URL should only be served by backend1:

  5. Navigate to the default WordPress author archive for admin:


    This URL should only be served by backend2:

  6. Open a web browser and navigate the HAProxy server’s public IP address with :8404/stats appended to the URL:

  7. When prompted, enter your username and password from the listen section of the HAProxy configuration file.

  8. You should now see the HAProxy stats page showing mybackend, backend1, and backend2:

    This page holds a wealth of information regarding the health of your servers, including status, sessions, bytes in/out, errors, warnings, and more.

This page was originally published on

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