API v4.0.22


  • Added validation on the root_device property when creating (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs) or updating (PUT /linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}) a Linode’s configuration profile.
  • Creating an SRV domain record (POST /domains/{domainId}/records) no longer adds an additional extension to the name property.
  • A cloned (POST /domains/{domainId}/clone) MX or SRV Domain record no longer return an incorrect value for the target property (GET /domains/123/records) when the record contains a subdomain.
  • Deprecated data centers are no longer returned from the regions endpoint (GET /regions).
    • Deprecated data centers include Tokyo1 ("id": "ap-northeast-1a", "country": "jp").
  • Viewing (GET /account) and updating your account (PUT /account) now returns a consistent value for the credit_card object’s expiry property.
  • More explicit error messages are returned when creating a NodeBalancer (POST /nodebalancers), creating a NodeBalancer node (POST /nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes), updating a NodeBalancer node (PUT /nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes/{nodeId}) and an invalid node IP address is provided.