API v4.3.0


  • Added a new View Managed SSH Key (GET /managed/credentials/sshkey) endpoint. This endpoint returns the unique SSH public key assigned to your Linode account’s Managed service. If you add this public key to a Linode on your account, Linode special forces will be able to log in to the Linode with this key when attempting to resolve issues.

  • Added additional filtering for Events. Events returned by the List Events (GET /account/events) endpoint can be filtered by an Event entity’s id and type.

    There are a few edge cases when filtering Events by entity ID:

    • Some Event entities do not have IDs associated with them, so they will not be returned when filtering by ID. These include the various account and profile Events.

    • Entities for some Events are assigned the ID of the Linode they correspond to. When filtering by ID for these Events, use the corresponding Linode’s ID. These include the disk and backups Events.

    • Tag Events use a tag’s name for the entity ID field. When filtering by ID for tag Events, supply the name of the tag.


  • Domain labels can no longer exceed 63 characters. The regular expression that validates new labels has been updated to conform to RFC1035.

  • Default CPU alert thresholds for the Create Linode (POST /linode/instances) endpoint have been updated. Previously, the default threshold was always set to 90%, regardless of which plan was chosen. This default has been increased to 90% multiplied by the number of cores for a Linode’s plan.

    This increase was made because a Linode’s total CPU capacity is represented as 100%, multiplied by its number of cores. For example, a two core Linode’s CPU capacity is represented as 200%. Therefore, an alert that triggers at 90% of a two core Linode’s CPU capacity should be set to 180%.


  • Complex filtering for region labels was not returning expected results, and this has been fixed.