API v4.4.0



  • The group property of the Managed Contacts (/managed/contacts) resource is no longer deprecated.
  • The consultation_group property of the Managed Services (/managed/services) resource is no longer deprecated.


  • Previously, you could initiate a cross data center (DC) migration (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate) even if the Linode already had a pending migration in the queue. Now, if your Linode has a pending migration already queued, you will not be able to initiate a DC migration until it has completed and you will receive an error response, “Linode has a pending migration.” A list of pending migrations, if any, can be accessed from GET /account/notifications.

  • Validation to ensure a running Linode is powered down prior to initiating a cross data center (DC) migration (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate) was removed. This validation is unnecessary because a Linode is automatically powered off, migrated, and then restored to its previous boot state when any Linode migration is initiated.

  • The group property of a managed contacts resource can now be updated (PUT /managed/contacts/{contactId}) with a null value. Previous PUT validation generated an error when the group property was updated with a null value.

  • When updating (PUT /linode/stackscripts/{stackscriptId}) a StackScripts resource, the images property no longer accepts an empty array. Previously, there was no validation in place to prevent an empty images property array. This caused a StackScript to no longer be deployable.

  • When listing Managed Services (GET /managed/services) on a managed account, removed services no longer appear in the response data.

  • A Managed Credential now correctly maps to a Managed Service. Previously, when you created (POST /managed/services) or updated (PUT /managed/services/{serviceId}) a Managed Service with a credentials parameter, its Managed Credential Ids did not appropriately map to the service. This resulted in an empty credentials array when listing (GET /managed/services) or viewing (GET /managed/services/{serviceId}) a Managed Service.