API v4.68.0


  • Added two new endpoints to the Longview collection that are dedicated to viewing and updating an account’s Longview plan:

    • View Longview Plan (GET /longview-plan): returns the current Longview subscription plan for an account. Can be accessed by users with the longview:read_only grant.

    • Update Longview Plan (GET /longview-plan): updates the Longview subscription plan for an account. Can be accessed by users with the account:read_write grant.

    Previously, these actions were only possible through the GET /account/settings and PUT /account/settings endpoints.

  • Added two new endpoints to the Account collection that allow unrestricted users to see successful logins that are associated with any user on the account.

    • List All User Logins (GET /account/logins): returns a collection of successful logins for all users on the account during the last 90 days.

    • View Login (GET /account/logins/{loginId}): returns a Login object that displays information about a successful login. The logins that can be viewed can be for any user on the account, and are not limited to only the logins of the user that is accessing this API endpoint.

    Previously, each user (including unrestricted users) could only view logins for their own user (via the GET /profile/logins and GET /profile/logins/{loginId} endpoints).


  • Previously, the secondary_entity property of nodebalancer_config_create, nodebalancer_config_update, and nodebalancer_config_delete events was not populated. It is now set to the relevant NodeBalancer Config.

  • The address field for Create Managed Service (POST/managed/services) and Update Managed Service (PUT /managed/services/{serviceId}) now accepts additional special characters for a service that is monitored by URL ("service_type" : "url").


  • The Domains (/domains) collection previously accepted values up to 255 for the weight property of a Record, while 65535 was the intended maximum. Values up to 65535 are now considered valid.

  • The Domains (/domains) collection previously returned a generic syntax error whenever a TXT Record was submitted with non-ASCII characters. It will now return a more specific validation error.

  • A bug was fixed that was preventing restricted users with the appropriate access permissions for specific Linode services from adding Tags to those services.