API v4.7.0


  • Added the tfa_enabled property to the /account/users endpoint collection. This property returns a boolean value indicating if the User has Two Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled. See the Create Two Factor Secret (POST /profile/tfa-enable) endpoint to enable 2FA.
  • Added the upgrade property to the Initiate Pending Host Migration/DC Migration (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate) endpoint
  • The secondary_entity property of a disk_delete Event will now be populated with the disk that has been deleted. This property was not previously assigned a value. The primary entity property for a disk_delete Event is associated with the Linode that the disk was deleted from.


  • Changed how Notifications for promotional credits are generated:
    • For expiring promotional credits, a Notification was only generated when the promotion was within 7 days of expiring and when 90% of the credit had been used. This Notification would be of type promotion.
    • Now, two different Notifications are generated:
      • A Notification of type promo_expiration will be generated when the promotion is within 7 days of its expiration date.
      • A Notification of type promo_credit_limit will be generated when 90% or more of the promotion’s credit has been used.
    • Notifications of type promotion will no longer be generated.
    • Refer to the List Notifications (GET /account/notifications) endpoint to view your account’s notifications. Refer to the active_promotions property in the response from the View Account (GET /account) endpoint for details of your current promotions.


  • Improved the error response messages of the Initiate Pending Host Migration/DC Migration (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate) endpoint:
    • This endpoint will return an error when called when both of these conditions are true:
      • The Linode has a /116 IPv6 pool, or IP Sharing is enabled.
      • An NGN data center was specified for the region property.
    • Previously, the error message returned when a /116 pool caused the migration to fail would state that IP Sharing was enabled, which may not have been the case.
    • The endpoint will now return a different error message when a /116 IPv6 pool is present.
  • Support Tickets returned by the List Support Tickets (GET /support/tickets) endpoint can now be sorted by the closed, opened, and updated properties of a Ticket. This was the intended behavior, but specifying a sorting was not previously honored in the response.
  • In rare circumstances, a Linode may exist without an Invoice Item that corresponds to it. If the Initiate Pending Host Migration/DC Migration (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate) endpoint was called on a Linode under these circumstances, the endpoint would return an error. This error will no longer appear, and the migration will proceed normally (or fail for any other reasons listed in the endpoint’s documentation).
  • The Import Domain (POST /domains/import) endpoint would sometimes return a 400 error code when a server error had occurred. A 500 error code will now be returned instead, which is in line with our API’s guidance on error codes.