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BlogLinodeDanny Ariti se une a Linode

Danny Ariti se une a Linode

Nos complace anunciar que Danny Ariti se ha unido al equipo de Linode como extraordinario enlace de asistencia al cliente. Danny es de Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, que está a unas 14 horas de la sede de Linode , donde contribuirá a nuestra cobertura de asistencia en el turno de noche.

Danny trabajó anteriormente en IBM Australia y también ayudó a establecer un servicio de VPS para un proveedor local. Estamos encantados de tenerlo a bordo. Únase a nosotros para dar la bienvenida a Danny a la familia de Linode . Puedes encontrarlo como 'array' en #linode.

Comentarios (22)

  1. Author Photo

    Glad somebody will be covering the so-called “night shift”. It’s wee in the AM at my location. 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    As a fellow Gold Coast-er, welcome.

  3. Author Photo


  4. Author Photo

    Hooray, Aussies at Linode! Hooray! 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Very good.

    (about 60km away in Brisbane QLD)

  6. Author Photo

    Isn’t that the day shift? You USians always get things backwards.

  7. Author Photo

    Welcome to the staff array!


  8. Author Photo

    Welcome Dan!

    I hope you enjoy your new job with You couldn’t pick a better host to work for that cares more, and listens more to the members than does.

    I hope you find your new position rewarding.

  9. Author Photo
  10. Author Photo

    Welcome from Mackay – that must nearly make us neighbours right? 😛

  11. Author Photo

    Yehey!!! Someone to cover the night shift (US time).

    I live in the Philippines. At last we got some coverage during Philippine daytime.

    Good work Linode. You are getting things in order everyday…

  12. Author Photo

    Welcome, from another Gold Coaster 🙂

  13. Author Photo


    P.S. When you have some time, please update Linode’s info at

  14. Author Photo
  15. Author Photo

    Welcome from the Aussie capital, Canberra!

  16. Author Photo

    I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with Danny Ariti and he has been really helpful and instrumental in resolving our problem !

    That to in our day time here in India !

    Way to go Danny & Linode !

  17. Author Photo

    Thanks Danny! (Array) is the best as of yet I have not seen one flaw in there service and support. My account was activated instantly, I received great support on #linode on OFTC I love it. Thanks for making it even better.

  18. Author Photo

    Welcome aboard from Wollongong, Dan.

  19. Author Photo

    Danny was very helpful today, fixing a problem that had been going on unsolved for a few weeks. Awesome.

  20. Author Photo

    Danny has helped me twice now and he is one of the most professional customer service agents I have ever dealt with. Thank you Danny.

  21. Author Photo

    Cool. Any thoughts of a Linode expansion to AU? It would be good to get the latency down…!

  22. Author Photo

    Daniel, I highly doubt that, considering the cost of bandwidth in the AU etc, unless they make some fancy special packages for that location…

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