Me complace anunciar que Linode ha conseguido otro valioso empleado: Phil Paradis. Además de su gran talento técnico y sus logros, Phil dirige, un "sitio de recursos educativos dedicado a proporcionar herramientas y materiales útiles a la comunidad docente". Nos ayudará con la carga de soporte, así como con las responsabilidades de desarrollo, documentación y administración del sistema.
Phil tiene una fuerte adicción a la cafeína y a menudo se le puede ver con un litro de Mountain Dew abierto. Ya me estoy preocupando por esto. Únase a nosotros para dar la bienvenida a Phil a nuestro equipo.
Comentarios (14)
Welcome to the team!
Congrats for joining the team Phil — just please don’t apply Mountain Dew “libally” to the Linodes! (
Thanks for the congratulations, all. It’s good to be here.
Congrats Phil!
Congrats Phil! Its good to see the Linode team continually growing!
[…] I’m pleased to announce my acceptance of a new position with, an outstanding Linux virtual private server provider. I’ll be fulfilling documentation, system administration, and support roles with their team. Having been a customer of theirs for several years (this site runs on a linode), I’m excited to be part of the team that keeps the bits flowing. You can check out my hiring announcement on the Linode Blog. […]
Welcome Phil!
Welcome, Phil! Nice to see Linode continuing to grow. 🙂
Twiddling code and microcontrollers are my passion but teaching science is my day job. I have been very impressed by Phil’s contributions here at Linode and his exceptional ClassHelper website.
Great choice Linode!
Good to have Phil working with Linode!
Congrats from a happy customer 🙂
welcome aboard