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BlogLinodeDouble espace disque désormais standard sur tous les packs

Double espace disque maintenant standard sur tous les packs

[b]L'espace disque double est désormais standard sur tous les packs[/b].

Les plans standard comprennent désormais

Linode 64 avec 2048 MB (2 GB)
Linode 128w/ 4096 MB (4 GB)
Linode 192 avec 6144 MB (6 GB)
Linode 256 avec 8192 MB (8 GB)

Consultez la page [url=]produits[/url] pour plus d'informations.

[b]Rétro-actif pour tous les clients existants MAINTENANT[/b]

Les clients existants doivent noter l'espace disque déjà alloué à leur compte.

Utilisez la liste suivante pour déterminer l'espace ajouté à votre compte :

Linode 64 - 1024 Mo supplémentaires (1 Go)
Linode 128 - 2048 Mo (2 Go) supplémentaires
Linode 192 - 3072 Mo supplémentaires (3 Go)

Pour profiter de l'espace supplémentaire, vous avez le choix entre les deux options suivantes :
[list][*] [b]Redimensionner votre système de fichiers existant pour occuper le nouvel espace[/b][list][*] Arrêter votre Linode
[*] Membres -> Disque Images -> Cliquez sur votre système de fichiers racine -> Entrez la nouvelle taille, et enregistrez les modifications.
[*] Démarrez votre Linode
[*] [b]Créer de nouvelles images disques vides[/b]
[list][*]Members -> Disk Images, descendez jusqu'à "Create an Empty Disk Image" (Créer une image disque vide)
[Entrez une étiquette (par exemple : "disk2")
[*] Entrez la taille (utilisez la case "Storage Summary" dans le coin supérieur droit)
[Choisissez "ext3" pour le type de système de fichiers et créez le disque.
[*] Membres -> Configurations -> Cliquez sur votre configuration
[Ajoutez votre nouveau "disk2" à un emplacement /dev/ubd ? ouvert. Sauvegarder
[Redémarrez votre Linode
[*] Connectez-vous à votre Linode, et en tant que root : "mount /dev/ubd[insérer la lettre du périphérique ici] /path/to/mountpoint" où path/to/mountpoint est un répertoire existant
[/list] [*] [b]Déploiement
[*] [b]Déployer plus d'installations Linux[/b][list][*]Pourquoi, utilisez simplement l'assistant de distribution ! Expérimentez une nouvelle distro ou quelque chose comme ça 🙂 D'ailleurs, une distro Gentoo sera bientôt disponible[/list].

Merci de votre confiance ! Bonne lecture !


Commentaires (8)

  1. Author Photo

    That’ll come in very handy! Thanks 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    Very nice surprise.

    –Tony Coffman

  3. Author Photo

    😯 I believe linode is the best ….. cool support .. very understanding

  4. Author Photo

    [quote:18823ed1a7=”awanglara”]:shock: I believe linode is the best ….. cool support .. very understanding[/quote]

    I agree. I have been a customer for about a month now and bugged them about many things by now. Always professional, friendly and timely support. And an excellent product, too 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Yes.. Linode > *

  6. Author Photo

    Yup :~]

    I run a free shells provider from my linode, and several people
    have asked me how much it’s costing me! They are quite surprised
    when I tell them…. A few of them have told me they’re considering
    getting accounts here too, given’s prices 🙂

  7. Author Photo

    I run a free shells provider from my linode

    In other words you are begging to be abused, hacked and DoS’ed. I dearly hope this is in some violation of the TOS.

    Sunny Dubey

  8. Author Photo

    A long time ago, I ran macos on my home machine.
    I diddn’t have access to any of the wonderful world of *nix by
    virtue of my pretty restricted access to computers in general.

    In those times I was reliant on the goodwill of a few kind people
    who gave me free shell accounts in order to learn how to use linux,
    to learn various programming languages, and most usefully,
    to experiment.

    Now that I’m in a position of having my own server (albeit a virtual
    one) I think it just that I should pay back the net community for
    what it gave me for free, by giving something back.

    This doesn’t mean anyone can get an account on my system.
    I vet accounts, and I’m known to call people, internationally if necessary,
    to verify their identities before granting them accounts.
    (yes I shamelessly ripped that idea from caker’s policy)


    I could explain in a long flood of text why I’m not as vulnurable
    as you think I am, but that’d take ages and I’m busy. 🙂
    Suffice it to say I screen applications carefully, I monitor my users,
    I configure the system pretty tightly, I run quite a bit of security
    software (like portsentryd), I have multiple addresses (4) and can
    change the DNS for any of them to map to localhost in case I get
    DOSed, etc, etc….

    I have a plan to beef up security in future by repartitioning, running
    debian/gentoo, and reconfiguring my system again from scratch,
    and generally building myself a fortress before I let users near it 🙂

    You work on your linode, I’ll work on mine 🙂

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